
发布 2020-05-15 21:02:28 阅读 1090










一、听小对话回答问题 (共5小题, 计5分)

听下面五段小对话,回答第1至第5五个小题。现在, 你有25秒钟的时间阅读这五题。

1. what was frank afraid of?

a. dogsb. catsc. pigs.

2. who’s allowed to go out on school nights?

a. johnb. annc. neither of them.

3. how often does the girl watch tv?

a. once a week. b. twice a week. c. three times a week.

4. why is kevin late for the party?

a. he has to h**e a piano lesson first.

b. he is going to visit his grandparents.

c. he should go to the hospital.

5. how much will the man pay ?

a. four yuanb. eight yuanc. twelve yuan .

二、听对话回答问题 (共5小题, 计10分)

听下面一段对话, 回答第6和第7两个小题。现在, 你有10秒钟的时间阅读这两题。

6. what is billy going to do ?

a. go roller skating. b. h**e a math test. c. h**e supper.

7. when should he be at home?

a. 5:15b. at 5:30c. at 4:45.


8. what are they talking about

a. how to go to school.

b. how to s**e the environment.

c. how to reuse waste *****.

9. how many ways did they talk about

a. twob. threec. four.

10. what’s the last way?

a. s**ing moneyb. riding a bike. c. using bags instead of plastic bags.

三、听独白回答问题 (共5小题,计10分)



a survey about the troubles

11. what trouble is the biggest one in the survey?

a. exam results b. good friends arguing c. too much homework

12. what trouble is not mentioned by the speaker?

a. not h**ing enough money b. h**ing no friends c. good friends arguing

13. how many ways are mentioned by the speaker to get over the troubles?

a. sevenb. sixc. five

14. what way is chosen to get over the troubles by the most students?

a. telling friends b. listening to music c. playing sports

15. what h**e you learnt about the speaker?

a. the speaker is most probably a student.

b. the speaker is most probably a teacher.

c. the speaker is most probably a parent of a student.



16. the underlined part of the word “soup” is pronounced the same as that of the word___

a. could b. sound c. group d. although

17. _qingming festival, which falls on april 5 every year, is __time-honored tradition(悠久的传统)for the chinese to honor their ancestors .

a.the; a b./;the c.the ; the d./;a

18. i believe my dream __a freshman of xuejun high school must __four months later.

a. to become; be come trueb. of becoming; come true

c. of becoming; achieved. to become; realize

19. the more __you take the exam, the __mistakes you will make.

a. careful; fewb. careful; more

c. carefully; lessd. carefully; fewer

20. let’s __play in the street. father tells medo so.

a. not to; not to b. not; not to c. don’t; to not d. not to; don’t

21. -what do you think made mary upset?

her new bicycle.

a. as she lostb. lostc. because of losing d. losing

22. -i don’t think it right to __the students’ exam results. -i agree with you.

a. look up b. put up c. pick up d. set up

23. -what did your father ask you? -he asked me __

a. where am i with my friends b. when would i go home

c. whom i was chatting with d. if i h**e finished my homework

24. -my mother hardly watches any sports shows

a. so do mine. b. so does mine. c. neither do mine. d. neither does mine.


1.a 2.b 3.c 4.b 5.c 6.b 7.b 8.a 9.c 10.a 11.b 12.d 13.a 14.c 15.b 16.d 17.b 18.b 19.a 20.a 21.c 22.d 23.c 24.c 25.a 26.b 27.b 28.a 29.d 30.c 31.c 32.b...


阅读理解第一篇是记叙文,讲的是如何处理好忙碌的工作与生活的关系,感受生活中的 简单美 和谐美 考题包括细节判断 人物心理判断 人物个性特点定位 主旨句理解和文本启示,考查了学生对记叙文的一般阅读能力。考生在阅读过程中能感受到生活所带来的情趣,及人与人之间因分享而产生的和谐与快乐。阅读理解的第二篇是说...


立足基础关注能力强化语用杭州市上城区教育学院英语特级教师周惠。2013年杭州市中考英语试卷命题以检测学生的英语语言素养和语用能力为主要目标,突出对学生在具体语境中综合语言运用能力的考查。试卷布局规范合理,并茂 语言知识与文化背景融合,语言材料真实地道,贴近学生生活,体现教育功能。试题命制科学严谨,难...