2023年度中考模拟试卷英语试卷 八

发布 2020-05-15 10:53:28 阅读 9122




考生注意:1. 本卷共12页,总分120分,考试时间120分钟。

2. 请将答案填写在后面的答题区,并填写清楚。

3. 答案请用蓝、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔填写。

第ⅰ卷 (选择题, 共65分)


一) 情景反应


1. a. that's okb. the same to you. c. i'm glad you like it.

2. a. i'm thirstyb. some orange juice. c. yes, a cake please.

3. a. just a little , please. b. that's nicec. you'd better h**e a good rest.

4. a. very wellb. very goodc. very hard.

5. a. no, i didn’t. b. not yetc. no, i don’t.

二) 对话理解。



6. a. chinab. canadac. england.

7. a. after supperb. just nowc. yesterday.

8. a. windyb. sunnyc. rainy.

9. a. scienceb. mathc. chemistry.

10. a. in a libraryb. in a restaurantc. in a shop.


11. a. the bus stopb. the airportc. the school.

12. a. summer holidayb. spring festivalc. winter vocation.

13. a. parisb. romec. athens.

14. a. her uncleb. her auntc. no one.

15. a. take some booksb. take some photosc. buy some photos.


二、单项选择 (共20小题,计20分)


16. -excuse me

-you're right. you'd better take a bus.

a. where is the hospitalb. is there a hospital nearby

c. how can i get to the hospitald. is the hospital very far

17.- i’d likeinformation about the management of your hotel, please.

-well, you could h**eword with the manager. he might be helpful.

a. much; a b. lots of; much c. many; the d. an; a

18.- did you find your pen this afternoon?

- no, i didn’t findbut i’ve bought

a.it; it b.one; one c.it; one d.one; it

19. .sorry, i’m late.

it doesn’t matter. the meeting just for several minutes.

20. —what do you think of miss li’s teaching?

oh, no one teaches

21. a foreign visitor is coming to visit our new house this evening. my mother will offer him __to eat.

a. anything deliciousb. something real chinese

c. something japanese foodd. delicious something

22. -do you know___this dictionary belongs to?

-let me see. oh, it’s

a. who does, mine b. who, me c. whose, mine d. who, mine

23. -i think the man over there must be bob.

-it___be him. he has___to australia.

a. can’t, goneb. can’t, been c. may not, been d. mustn’t, gone

24. -it’s not difficult for five workers to push the broken very away.

-yesa. when the cat’s away, the mice will play

b. every dog has its day

c. many hands make light work

d. don’t put all your eggs in one basket

25. -shall i help you move it to the corner?

i can do it myself.

a. no, thanks b. not at all c. help yourself d. never mind

26. -did you enjoy the party yesterday?

so i left early.

a. it was funb. i enjoyed it

c. it was boringd. i h**en't been there

27. theworld table tennis championship beganthe morning of may 25, 2010 in moscow, russia.

a. fifty; in; b. fiftieth; on; c. fiftieth; ind. fifty; on;

28. -are you confident about this evening’s performance, katie?

i’m well prepared and feel i’ve got everything ready.

hope sob. it’s hard to sayc. sure, i am afraid not

29. -your brother doesn't get up early, does he?

but he gets up late on weekends.

a. yes, he does b. no, he doesn't c. yes, he doesn't d. no, he does

30. he hasjapanese friends,but he knowsjapanese.


2006 2007年度中考模拟试卷。理科综合试卷 二 参 一 15 b 16 a 17 d 18 c 19 a 20 c 21 c 22 d 二 23 红 绿 蓝 高 油的密度比水小 轮船所受浮力不变,而海水的密度比长江水的密度大,轮船排开海水的体积要减小些。24 飞机,火箭,指南针 举例正确就给分...


限时 90 分钟,笔试 140 分 面试 10 分 数学部分 60 分 1 填空题。每题 2 分,共 20 分 1 将一根木棒锯成 4 段需要 6 分钟,则将这根木棒锯成 7 段需要 分钟。2 一车间改革后,人员减少了 20 产量比原来增加了 20 则工作效率提高。3 学校开展植树活动,成活了 10...

2023年度中考语文模拟卷 1

中考模拟试卷。一 30分。1.下列加点字的注音全都正确的一项是 3分 a 宁可 n ng 干涸 h 窥见 ku 满腹经纶 l n b 惬意 qi 阴晦 hu 褴褛 l 沽名钓誉 g c 迄今 q 坎坷 k n 歼灭 qi n 斗转星移 d u d 会计 ku i 谦逊 x n 憎恶 w 惟妙惟肖 x...