
发布 2021-04-12 13:07:28 阅读 2493









) 6. how often does susan go swimming?

a. once a week b. every day c. twice a week

) 7. which of the following does susan like best?

a. running b. swimming c. riding a bicycle


)8 who’s alice?

a. the man's daughter. b. the man's wife. c. the man's mother

)9. what will alexandra do?

a. go to say “happy mother's day”and give a card.

some flowers.

c. both a and b


)10. what's the popular film?

a.“bob and mountain”

b“brokeback mountain”.

c .climbing the mountain.

( )11. who’s ang lee?

a. the director of the film.

b. the owner of an oscar for best director.

c. both a.and b.

)12. where will they meet?

a. near the cinema. b. in tne cinema. c. the girl’s home


) 13. what’s the weather like?

a. cloudy b. windy c. sunny

) 14 what is tom going to do on sunday?

a. he is going to h**e a picnic

b. he is going to play games

c. he is going shopping

) 15. who went to buy some food for tom?

a. daniel b. peter c. tom’s mother


)16. the speaker usually __in his free time on weekdays.

a. goes to a movie b. listens to music c. surfs the internet

)17. the speaker and tom play soccer

a. in a park b. in the speaker ’s house c. near a park

( )18. the speaker usually goes shopping with his___on saturdays.

a. father b. brotherc. mother

)19. saturday evening is the speaker’s f**orite time because he can

a. h**e a big meal b. go to bed late c. meet his friends

)20. the speaker oftenon sundays.

a. cleans his room b. goes to the countryside c. reads some books




( )26. -what __he**y rain it was!

yes, but i love __air after it rains. it smells so fresh.

a. the; a b. a; the c. the; the d. a; a

( )27. you h**e to be __and wait until i finish my work.

a. patient b. strict c. honest d. active

( )28. —do you enjoy han lei’s songs?

yes. he is the winner of i’m singer ii. i can’t think of anyone with __voice.

a. a better b. the best c. more d. most

( )29. —i’m sorry i __my exercise book at home this morning.

it doesn’t matter. don’t forget __it here this afternoon.

a. left; to take b. forgot; bringing c. left; to bring d. forgot; to bring

( )30 --i didn’t see you at the beginning of the party last night.

---i __on my biology report at that time.

a. worked b. work c. was working d. am working

( )31 many students __chances to show themselves in class because the class size is too big.

a. don’t give b. aren’t given c. h**en’t given d. won’t give

( )32. i don’t understand __such a silly question in class yesterday.

a. why did john ask b. why john asked

c. why is john asking d. why john asks

( )33. -how many girls are there in your class

them __over twenty.

a. a number of, are b. the number of , are

c. a number of; is d. the number of, is

) 34. the story book __you lent me is very interesting.

a. which b. it c. whatd. who

( )35. —jane looks really sad today. what’s wrong with her?

— oh, she lost her bike. let’s __her __

a. cheer; up b. pick; up c. put; up d. think; up

) 36.—you look a bit pale. shall i take you to see the doctor?


葛店中学2012年秋九年级12月月考英语试卷。第 卷 选择题 第一部分听力测试。听力测试 共三节,20小题,满分25分 第一节 听描述或对话,选图画。下面有2段描述和3段对话。听完以后,从三幅图画中选出能回答所提问题的一幅。每段对话和描述听两遍。每小题1分,共5分 第二节 听对话,选答案。听下面4段...


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