2023年中考英语模拟试卷 十

发布 2020-05-15 11:20:28 阅读 2657



第一部分听对话选图或能回答问题的最佳答案。( 共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分 )


) is the time now?

abc ) 2. what sign are they talking about?

abc. ) does tom’s grandpa look like?

abc. ) 4.how many girls students are there in the class?

) 5. which color does the girl like best?

a. black.

) 6. when does the boy usually get to school?

a. at 6:25b. at 6:45c. at 7:05.

) 7. what is the woman doing?

a. buying a gift. b. taking some photos. c. talking with her father.

) 8. why does the boy stay in the library for a long time?

a. it's raining outside. b. the book is great. c. he forgets the time.

) 9. what does the woman do?

a. a dentistb. a teacherc. a policewoman.

) 10. what does the woman think of the movie?

a. lovelyb. boringc. wonderful

第二部分听对话或短文,选择能回答问题的最佳答案。(共10题,每小题1分,满分10分 )



) 11.. how many hobbies does linda h**e according to the dialogue?

a. oneb. twoc. three.

) present will jim buy?

a. a bookb. a book about music. c. a cd.


) 13. what’s the matter with jim?

a. he’s got a cold. b. his head hurts. c. he’s got a fever.

) 14. how long has jim been like this?

a. since this morning. b. since last night. c. .for long

) did jim h**e for breakfast this morning?

a. nothingb. a little bread and milk. c. a little milk and an


) long will the group stay in zhenjiang?

about a week. half a month. about 3 weeks.

) the telephone number?


) can you book a ticket?

can elephone to book tickets at 8:00

b. you can elephone to book tickets at 3:00

c. you can elephone to book tickets at 11:00

) will the concerts be?

jiefang road. the sports hall. the children’s hospital.

) does the speaker want to tell us?

about zhenjiang

about a pop concert.

about the sports hall.


一、 单项选择 ( 共15题,每小题1分,满分15分)

) 1. ─do you h**e*** player?

─yes, i h**e

a. one;it b. it;one c. an;one d. a;it

) 2. you needn’t wait for tom any longer. he must be h**ing supper at __

a. the brown’sb. the browns’c. the brownsd. browns

) 3. —miss smith will teach us english this term.

she is a very good teacher.

a. well done b. you're lucky c. it's a pity d. good job

) 4.—you look a bit pale. shall i take you to see the doctor?

—no, thanks. i'll take some pills and see how it___

a. comes b. goesc. is d. has

)5. there are quite a few old books on the shelf, but __of them is useful to him.

a. both b. all c. neither d. none

) 6. —excuse me, please tell me

—there is a supermarket over there. you can get some there.

a. how 1 can find a supermarket

b. where the supermarket is

c. where i can buy some fruit

d. where can i buy some fruit

)7. —you’d better not go out now. it’s raining.

—it doesn’t matter. my new coat can keep __rain.

a. in b. of c. with d. off

) 8. —excuse me. do you h**e a table for two?

—i’m sorry, _there aren’t any seats now. would you mind waiting a


2023年中考英语模拟试卷 十

满分 110分 考试时间 120分钟 第 卷。听力测试。第一部分听对话选图或能回答问题的最佳答案。共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分 在本部分,你将听到使个对话,每个对话为一问一答,对话听两遍。听完对话后,请选择与对话内容相符的图画或选出能回答问题的最佳答案。is the time now?abc ...

2023年中考化学模拟试卷 十

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