
发布 2020-05-15 11:18:28 阅读 3334



姓名学校 注意事项:

1、 试题共九大题。

2、 请考生在试卷上用蓝色或黑色圆珠笔、签字笔或钢笔作答。

3、 请同学们遵守考场纪律,认真答题。不允许使用涂改液,涂改等。请正确使用修改。


一、语音在下列各题的四个选项中选出一个划线部分读音不同的选项。( 1×5=5分。

) 1. a. cook b. good c. school d. book

) 2. a. chips b. trees c. bananas d. hands

) 3. a. stopped b. waited c. asked d. looked

) 4. a. stay b. away c. today d. saturday

) 5. a. third b. there c. fifth d. three


) would you like some coffee? b: yes, just

a. little b. a little c. few d. a few

) 2. is your ball as big as

a. myb. mec. mine

) 3. she often home at 4 o’clock.

a. goesb. goc. went d. go to

) help yourself to some fish. b

a. yes, all rightb. that’s right.

c. yes, pleased. thank you.

) room is very dark. pleasethe light.

a. put out b. look after c. turn on d. take off

) ask the student over there. maybe he knows the way.

a. had better not tob. had not better

c. had betterd. had better not

) 7. umbrella is useful tool in a raining weather.

a. the; the b. a;ac. an; an d. an; a

) 8. they h**e to tell you.

a. something excitingb. something excited

c. exciting somethingd. excited something

) 9. one of them two english books.

a. h**e b. arec. is d. has

) 10. is time to get up. look, is eight o’clock now.

a. the clock; itb. it; it

c. that; hed. it; this


1. singapore is muchsmaller, larger) than china.

2. he canjump, jumps) high.

3. we are waitingfor, at ) janet.

4. the film is verybored, boring).

i feel sobored , boring ).

5. thereis, are ) some water in the bottle.

6. it’srainy / raining) in spring in new york.

7rome, wellington) is the capital city of italy.

8. he likesrun, running). look, he is running now.

9. i like coffeebetter, best) than tea.


1. they are looking for janet’s bag. (对画线部分提问)

are they looking for?

2. i h**e a toy car and a small plane. (用ben做主语)

bena toy car and a small plane.

3. they are going to see a film tomorrow. (对画线部分提问)

they going totomorrow?

4. he does well in maths. (改为否定句)

hewell in maths.

5. there aren't any pictures on the wall.(同意句转换)

therepictures on the wall.


1. her sister doing her homework now.

abc2. tom h**e a happy family.

a b c3. sometimes my parents and me go for an outing on sundays.

abc4. i usually h**e lunch in home.

ab c5. we sing and dance at the party last night.


tom: my tea isn’t nice, kate?

kate: thistea. it’s coffee.

tom: please give me a cuptea, kate.

kateyou are.

tom: thank youthere any milk in the tea, kate?

kate: yes, there is

tomthe cakes, kate?

kate: they’re in that ***** box, i think.

tom: thereany cakes in the box. but theresome apples here.

kate: oh, yes. the cakes arethere, in the cupboard.


1 our school library. it opens at 8:00 2 and 3 at 5:

30 in the afternoon. there are many 4 in the library. we often come here to 5 or return books 6 class.

we borrow 7 one book at a time and keep it for two weeks. there is a reading room in the library. it is bright and 8 .

we can read books there, 9 we can’t take any of 10 out. we all like our school library.


英语单词。absorptionn.吸收 专注。abstracta.理论上的 n.抽象。absurda.不合理的,荒唐的。abundancen.丰富,充裕。accessoryn.同谋 a.附属的。accordn.调和,符合 协议。acknowledgevt.承认 告知收到。acquaintvt.使认识...


参考范本。目录 2019大学英语学习计划一。2019大学英语文化节总结二。2019大学辅导员工作计划报告三。2019大学辅导员工作计划范文四。2019大学英语学习计划一。首先要抓好专业课。抓住了专业课就等于抓住了基本功。把舞会,约会,网会变成阅读,听力,翻译,您会发现你的到的更多。翻译需要深厚的汉语...

2019教育小学英语 小升初语法专项训练

小升初英语语法专项20 c 1.yang ling is good english,but she not do well inpe.a.in dob.at doc at does 解析 be good at sth在某方面比较擅长,she后面接三单形式。b 2.happyday here some...