NEW 2023年小学六年级英语小升初全真模拟测试题

发布 2020-07-25 07:35:28 阅读 3950




a. 找出划线部分读音不同于其它三项的选项。 (5分,每小题1分)

) 1. a. school b. chair c. china

) 2. a. june b. ruler

) parents b. friends

) 4. a. short d. forty

) 5. a. he**y b. sweater d. bread


) 6 look b. food d. tooth

) 7. helped b. planned c. killed

) 8. thank b. brother c. both

) 9. prepare b. dear d. pearl

) 10. rose b. story c. hole


)1. —must wehand in our exercises?

no, we

a. mustn’t c. needn’t d. can’t

)2. there___too much milk in the coffee.

a. is b. are d. has

)3. —where does the man come from?

he comes fromhe’s a

a. chinese,china b. china, chinese chinese

)4. —wouldyou like __juice?


lot b. some c. a d. an

)5does lucy dance every day?

a. how often b. how long many d. how much

)6. can youtell me how it in english?

a. say b. to say c. speak d. to speak

)7. a:hello! may i speak to mrs. chen?

b: this is mrs. chen speaking.

a. who are you, please? b. are you miss white?

c. why are you calling me? d. who’s that, please?

)8. a: whenis day?

b: it’s on thesecond sunday in may.

a. mother’s c. mothersd. mother

) 9. _is from england. _name is jack.

a. his; he b. he; his her

) 10. we had __classes this morning and __was my f**ourite –maths.

a. the fourth, the four b. fourth, four c. four, the fourth d. four, fourth

) 11. the bird isthetree. the apples arethe tree.

a. in; in b. on; on c. on; in d. in; on

) 12. what’s the capital city ofitaly ?

a. canberra b. wellington c. romed. sydney

) 13. –did you see mr. green ?

sorry ?

a. are you mr. green ? b. thank you all the same .

c. that’s all right. d. did you see mr. green ?

) sunday.

a. do ; going to do b. are ; going to do c. do ; go to do d. are ; go to do

) often help mum

a. wash thedog b. cleansthe rooms

c. washing clothes d. to painted the wall


month in a year is february.

box isli can carry it easily.

3. this plane fto guangzhou every day.

beihong was a famouschinese p .

5. the studentsoften p___trees on the hill.


)1. would you like anything toeat

abc d )2. he is sitting behind i

a bc d

)3. excuse me, is this a english car

a b c d

) 4. are these books over there yours

a bc d

) 5. the socks is inthe school is kate‘s

ab c d

) 6. is it he bag

a b c )7. who‘sjacketsare these

ab c ) 8. givethe books to she

ab c五、用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。(10分,每空1分)

lives on thenine)floor of the building.

play)the game well.

hates maths, because maths ishis __bad) subject of all.

you likesee ) afilm with me?

mustkeep ) quietin the library.

6. this writer writeslots ofinterest) stories for kids.

7. you’d betterstay) at home.

your dad oftenwater) theflowers on weekdays.

my aunt h**e a farm. there aresomedeer)in it.


he drinks milkfor his breakfast every morning. (就画线部分提问)

he drink for his breakfast every morning?

2bentv in the evening? (根据答句的提示完成问句)

yes, he usually watches tv after supper.

3. that is a sheep over there . 改为单数形式)

over there.

4. he has something to do now. (改为否定句)

heto do now.

5. robin was abr**e man .(改为反义疑问句)

robin was a br**e man


john is my classmate andclose friend. he is __1___american boy. he is from __2___the usa.

he istall. he has a round face and __3___big blue eyes. his __4___is notblack.

it is blond. john can __5___english. he can speak a little chinese,too.

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