小学教育 2023年小升初英语试卷分析

发布 2022-05-15 15:02:28 阅读 9194


) noise b. make planes c. make kites

) beautifully b. singing contest c. sports meeting

) on oct. 1st. b. it’s on sep. 2nd. c. it’s on dec. 3rd.

) can i get there? b. how old is this boy?

c. how far is it from here?


) got a cold. b. he’s got a goal. c. he’s in the sports hall.

) usually goes climbing. b. she’s writing an e-mail.

c. she likes singing english songs.

) thursday. b. it’s two all now. c. it’s half past two.

) not. went to play football. c. i’m going to play football.

) feel hot. b. yes, i often go swimming.


) likes winter best. b. he likes spring best.

c. he likes summer best.

) going to h**e a picnic. b. they’re going to see a play.

c. they’re going to tr**el.

) b. billc. bill and jane.

) train. b. by taxic. by metro.

) b. snowyc. sunny.


there’s a football __between theteam and the

___score isgoals to to it!

look! the no.5 hasthe runthan the other

nobody the goalkeeper

___the he isit to no.18.


b ) c )

b ) c )

a ) 三、词汇:(共13分)


1.在邮局旁边 thief

2.在秋天 show___

3.上车 up

4.看演出 afternoon

5.紧靠你的旁边 he**y as yours


is two years y___than ben.

often go to school on foot,but sby bike.

bother likes singing,but i don’ like s

can p___the book on her finger,but i can’t.

want to w___an e-mail.

black es from is lin australia.


1.( my sister istv.

2.( look,wang bing is stopping

front of

3what is he doing? -he___back to class.


4.( the children are singing and dancing in the

field hall

5.( i want __can you e with me,please?

go shopping go shop to shop

6don’t you play basketball with you classmates?

7.( i know a lot about i want to learn __about it.

8may i put my pen on the desk

it. them here.

9.( lucy is asas her.

10.( we visit our relatives and eat a lot of delious food

women’s day halloween spring festival

五、口语运用。(共5分) 选用方框内的句子完成对话,将序号填在题后的答案栏内。

a:excuse meb:yes? a:__1

b:sorry,i don’t know.__2a:excuse me,sirc:yes?

a:how can i get to no.3 middle school?

c:go along this street,and then turn ight.__3a:__4

c:no,it’s about 100 metres away. a:__5c: that’s all right.


you going to do this afternoon?


装。订。线。成绩。一 填空 每空1分,第 小题各2分,合计20分 1 由6个亿 8个万 3个十组成的数是把它改写成用万作单位的数是四舍五入到亿位约是。2 4.25时时分6吨3千克吨。3 1的分数单位是 再增加 个这样的分数单位就和最小的质数相等。4 在 33和这四个数中,最大的数最最小的数是。5 奥...


2011小升初英语模拟题解析。一 单词辨音 5 100 1.a解析 a选项划线部分发音为 i 其余选项划线部分发音均为 e 2.a解析 a选项划线部分发音为 e 其余选项划线部分发音均为 ei 3.d解析 d选项划线部分发音为 其余选项划线部分发音均为 g 4.c解析 c选项划线部分发音为 其他选项...


my name is i am from there are people inmy family.my father works in a computer company.h e a older sister and a younger brother.my sisteris a junior ...