
发布 2020-03-02 03:28:28 阅读 9683


1. 下面有一些单项选择,看看谁做得最好,要认真考虑啊!(每小题一分,共15分)

) 1. what time is it? it’s 11:30 am. it’s time __lunch.

a. h**eb. to h**ec. h**ing

) 2. amy likes __books, but i enjoy __basketball after school.?

a. read; playb. reading; playing c. reading; play

) 3. they go to the park once __

a. weekb. a weekc. weeks

) 4. daniel __a flat in shanghai.

) 5. —do you h**e a pe lesson today?

no, we don’t. we h**e __english lesson today.

a. ab. anc. the

) 6. we often chat __each other __lunchtime.

a. to; inb. for; atc. with; at

) 7. my brother is good at __in his class.

a. runb. swimc. maths

) 8. _do you go to school ?

a. howb. wherec. why

) 9. what time __you get up in the morning ?

a. areb. doc. don’t

) 10. -do you like your school

a. i likeb. yes, i am. c. yes, i do.

) 11. i wear a swimsuit __i swim .

a. butb. whenc. and

) 12. sorry. i __think i __help you.

a. don’t; can’tb /;can’tc. don’t; can

) 13. there are __things in the shop ?

a. lots ofb. many of c. a lot

) 14. i want __the classroom . could youme, please?

a. clean; helpb. to clean; help c. to clean; to help

) 15. the shop is __today.

a. to closeb. closec. closed

2. 今天上午,tom正在和他的同学kate走在上学的路上,他们在谈论他们的学校生活呢,请同学们从方框中选出最佳答案,把他们的对话补全。把序号填在横线上。(每空一分,共5分)

tom: oh, our new school is very big.


tom: our principal is mr wang2___

kate: it’s miss zhao. she is our english teacher, too3

tom: no, he is our maths teacher. do you like swimming?

kate:__4___i’m a member of the swimming club in our school.

tom: oh, listen to the bell. it’s time for class.



mr wu is a new teacher. he 1 us english. he 2 a tall man.

he likes __3 . a white coat and black trousers. he can 4 very good english.

we all like him very much. he 5 know our names 6 he is new. he has all the names 7 a piece of *****.

in the 8 . lesson, he says,” now let me 9 your names, li shan.” i’m 10 .

”) 1 . a. teaches b. teach c. to teach d. teaching

) 2 . a. hasb. bec. isd. was

) 3 . a. putting on b. wearing c. putsd. wears

) 4 . a. sayb. saysc. speakd. speaks

) 5 . a. doesn’t b. isn’t c. don’td. aren’t

) 6 . a. butb. when c. andd. because

) 7 . a. inb. atc. ond. with

) 8 . a. oneb. ac. firstd./

) 9 . a. callb. askc. speakd. say

)10. a. yesb. inc. hered. ok

4. 下面是关于tony的一段话,和我一起读读吧! (每题一分,共5分)

tony lives in new york. his father has a shop there and his mother is a worker. he’s seven years old and begins to go to school this autumn.

because his school is far from their shop, his father drives a car to take him to school every day. so he’s not late for class and his teacher s like him.

it’s monday today. miss zhao is teaching them to count from 1 to 10. tony is studying hard.

soon he can count them. miss zhao is happy and asks,“how many people are there in your family, tony?”

tony stands up and begins to count with his fingers (手指). then he says, ”two, miss zhao.”

who are they?” my father and mother.” oh?

” miss zhao is surprised(惊奇的), two people in your family?” because now i’m not at home, you know.”

根据短文判断下列句子正误。(正确的写t, 错误的写f)

) 1. tony lives in the usa..

) 2. tony is in grade two now..

) 3. tony usually goes to school by car..

) teachers like tony because he’s very tall in his class.

) 5. the children are listening to her, so miss zhao is happy today.




1. 羽毛球 bton2. 祖父母 ps


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