
发布 2023-12-11 14:30:05 阅读 1149





listening part 听力部分(6分)





) 1. a. it’s one hundred. b. it’s twenty. c. it’s cold.

) 2. a. at homeb. in spring. c. it’s twenty hours.

) 3. a. it’s redb. that is a pen. c. it’s sunday.

) 4. a. i like to skate on the ice.

b. i like donuts.

c. i played with my friends yesterday.

writing part 笔试部分(22分)


)1. a. playerb. betterc. goodd. best

)2. a. cakeb. cookies c. ice-cream d. flag

)3. a. appleb. melonc. fruitd. cherry

)4. a. madb. hungry c. wantd. thirsty


1. shop(过去式2. 回家 (翻译。

3. come(第三人称单数4. above(反义词。


)1. this is house.

a. jennyb. jenny’sc. jennys’

)2. in the south of china, the weather is in december.

a. hot and rainyb. warm and cool c. cold and snowy

)3. today is june thirtieth, tomorrow is

a. june thirty-oneb. july firstc. june thirty first.

)4. it is june now, the next month is

a. julyb. marchc. may

)5. what would you like christmas?

a. atb. forc. may

)6is it? -one yuan.

a. how muchb. how farc. how many

)7. everyone in my family very happy.

a. isb. arec. was

)8. my hair long and yellow.

a. isb. amc. are

)9. there a basketball match tomorrow.

a. beb. will bec. are d. will

)10. he has lunch for you.

a. makeb. madec. ******


1. where is your fathera. yes, i can.

2. can you skipb. on monday.

3. when did you come herec. by bus.

4. what’s the dated. it’s four o’clock.

5. how will they go to the parke. sorry, i don’t know.

6. what time is itf. it’s june 19.


1. we can a big snow eating make scary dinosaur a house(连词成句)

2. what’s your f**ourite school work?(根据实际回答)


it’s saturday today, mary and her son, bob are in the supermarket. mary wants to buy a scarf for her mother as a birthday present. tomorrow is bob’s grandma’s birthday.

bob wants to buy some colored pencils and picture books. there are many people in the supermarket, they all want to buy something. the people are not rude.

they are very friendly.

) 1. mary and her , bob are in the supermarket.

a. motherb. sonc. father

) 2. mary wants to buy for her mother.

a. a skirtb. a dressc. a scarf

) 3. bob’s grandma’s birthday is on .

a. mondayb. tuesdayc. sunday

) 4. the people are very

a. friendlyb. greedyc. rude


请你充分发挥想象,以“how to be a good student?”为题,写一篇短文。

要求:1. 语句通顺、意思连贯、表达正确。

2. 词数在30个词以上。


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