
发布 2023-11-16 11:10:12 阅读 6537

lesson one where do we go from here

1. abhor v.

to feel hatred and disgust for sb. 憎恨;厌恶

--to abhor terrorism 憎恨恐怖活动。

派生:abhorrence n. 憎恨;厌恶 abhorrent adj. 可恶的;讨厌的;可恨的。

2. affirmation n.

stating sth. as truth firmly and forcefully 肯定;断言同义:assertion; declaration 反义:denial

--affirmation of human dignity 对人的尊严的确认。

--he nodded in affirmation. 他肯定的点了点头。

派生:affirmable adj. 可断言的;可肯定的。

3. blot n.

1. spot for stain made by ink, etc. 污点; 污迹同义:stain; blemish

--a blot on sb.’s/the escutcheon 名誉上的污点。

2. act or quality that spoil sb.’s good character or reputation (品性、名誉上的)污点;耻辱同义:

dishonour; disgrace

--a blot on the landscape 破坏风景/声誉的东西或人。

4. compelling adj.

1. that one must accept or agree with强制性的同义:irresistible; forceful

-- compelling advice 使人不得不接受的忠告。

2. extremely interesting and exciting so that one has to pay attention 激发兴趣的;有强烈吸引力的。

--he remains a compelling figure in politics.他在**上仍是一个引人注目的人物。

词根:compel v.强迫;强求。

5. dedicate v.

1. to dedicate oneself/sth. to sth.

:to give or devote (oneself, time, effort, etc.) to (a noble cause or purpose) 将(自己、时间、精力等)奉献给(崇高的事业或目的)

--she dedicated her life to helping the poor.她毕生致力于帮助穷人。

2. to dedicate sth. to sb.:

to address (one’s book, etc) to sb. as a way of showing respect, by putting his name at the beginning在(自己所著的书等)前部题献词。

--she dedicated her first book to her husband. 她把自己的第一本书献给了丈夫。

派生:dedicated adj.有献身精神的;专心致志的 dedication n. 忠诚;奉献。

6. degenerate

1. v. to pass into a worse physical, mental state than one which is considered normal or desirable 衰退;堕落;恶化。

--the situation degenerated into chaos.形势变得一片混乱。

2. adj. h**ing lost the physical, mental or moral qualities that are considered normal or desirable 衰弱的;颓废的;堕落的。

--degenerate art /society/age 堕落的艺术/社会/时代。

派生:degeneration n. 衰退;堕落;蜕化 degenerative adj.衰退的;堕落的;蜕化的。

7. etch v.

to cut lines on a mental plate, piece of glass, stone, etc.(fig) not to forget sth. and think of it often 蚀刻;(喻)铭刻;铭记。

--the incident remained etched on her memory for years.那次事件多年来一直铭刻在她的记忆中。

8. legitimate adj.

1. in accordance with the law or rules; lawful 合法的同义:legal; lawful

反义:illegitimate; unreasonable

--i’ am not sure that his business is strictly legitimate.我说不好他的生意是否绝对合法。

2. that can be defended; reasonable 正当的;合理的。

--politicians are legitimate targets for satire.政客们理所当然是讽刺的靶子。

派生:legitimacy n. 合法(性);合理(性) legitimately adv.合法地;合理地 legitimize v.使合法、正当或有合法地位。

9. majestic adj.

h**ing or showing majesty; stately; grand 威严的;壮丽的同义:lofty; dignified 反义:base; squalid

--majestic views 壮丽的景色。

派生:majesty n. 威严;庄严。

10. oppress v.

1. to rule or treat (sb.) with continual injustice or cruelty 压迫;压制(某人)

同义:depress; persecute 反义:unburden; liberate

--the people are oppressed by the military government.人民受军**的压迫。

2. to make (sb.) feel worried, uncomfortable or unhappy 使(某人)担心、烦恼或不幸。

--oppressed with anxiety/worry/poverty, etc因焦虑/忧虑/贫穷等而烦恼。

派生:oppressed adj. 受压迫的;受压制的 oppression n.

压迫;压制 oppressive adj. 不正义的;暴君的;难以忍受的 oppressor n. 压迫人的人;暴君。

11. potent adj.

1. h**ing great power; h**ing a strong effect 威力大的;(药物等)效力大的同义:powerful; strong 反义:

weak; impotent

--potent weapons 威力大的**。

2. strongly persuasive; convincing 说服力强的;令人信服的。

-- potent arguments/ reasoning, etc. 有说服力的论证、推理等。

12. segregate v.

1. to separate (esp. a racial/ religious group) from the rest of the community and treat them unfairly 将(尤指某种族或宗教团体)与社区其他人隔开并进行不公平对待。

同义:isolate; dissociate 反义:unite; associate; blend

--a segregated society 有种族隔离的社会。

2. to put sb. /sth. in a place away from the rest; to isolate 把某人/物隔离;分离;分开。

--to segregate cholera patients把霍乱病人隔离开。

派生:segregation n.隔离。

13. unassailable adj.

1. that cannot be questioned or refuted 不容置疑的;无可辩驳的同义:irrefutable; indubitable 反义:

dubitable; dubious

--her argument is unassailable.她的论点是无懈可击的。

2. that cannot be attacked or conquered 攻不破的;不可征服的。

--liverpool h**e an unassailable lead at the top of the first division.利物浦队高居甲级队之首,所向无敌。

14. whimsical adj.

unusual or strange and often amusing; unpredictable 离奇的;古怪的;反复无常的。

--a whimsical story for children 稀奇古怪的儿童故事。

--the whimsical moods of the alpine sun 阿尔卑斯山区瞬息万变的太阳。

词根:whimsy n.怪念头;离奇的想法。

15. ethereal adj.

very delicate and light, in a way that does not seem real 飘渺的;难以琢磨的;稀薄的。

---ethereal beauty of a butterfly 蝴蝶飘逸的美。

16. dastardly adj.


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人教版 photoshop 第一课第一课时

第一课 认识photoshop 教学目标 知识和能力 1 掌握启动与退出photoshop的基本操作。2 学会在photoshop窗口中打开图像并复制图像。3 能够调整图像的显示比例 亮度和对比度,改变颜色模式。过程和方法。本节课运用多 教学软件,教师通过示范演示,学生实践的形式,通过演示法 任务驱...