小学英语 四年级英语下册第一单元5课时教案

发布 2023-09-12 16:35:55 阅读 7549



教学内容:part blet’s talkpartc task time2let’s check教学目标:

1、能在实际情景中运用一般疑问句:is this the…?i s that the…?

掌握is this the library?i s that the art room?及其肯定与否定的回答。

2、能够发挥想象,设计一所未来的学校,并在设计和展示作品时应用所学语音。教学重、难点:“is this…?

/is that…?”的用法。教具准备:

**caistep1warm-up1、let’s chant.2、拔河比赛。


两队成员依次交替说单词,最后将磁石拉向自己一方的队获胜。以此来复习library, art room , music room,tv room,computer room等(当学生说到以下单词时,教师出示相应的**:library, art room , music room , tv room, computerroom贴于黑板)


t:now let me change.教师取下两幅图:

library, art room,反面放在讲台上不断交插移动,(在讲台上隐蔽处放好另一张library,artroom)趁学生不注意时换成两张library,指一张让学生猜。t: is this the library?

让学生尽情猜yes或no,等教师出示,引导学生回答:yes, it is.再移动变成两张art room,教师远离讲台上图。

t: is that the library?让学生尽情猜yes或no,等教师出示,引导学生回答:

no, it isn’t.

学说认读句子:is this the library? yes, it is.

is that the library? no, it isn’t.2、guessing game

将以上的**反贴在黑板上,t:look carefully. is this the library?

i think you can’t guessright . if your answer is right , you can clap my hand. if your answer is wrong.

can i clap you?和教师较量学生会兴趣大增。

t: now take out you cards. play this game in pairs.

同桌合作,利用手中的学生卡片玩这个游戏,猜对则打对方一下,错则被打。3、draw the path画路线。

t: there is a ***** on your desk. please draw the path when you listen to this dialogue.

they arestart from where, then go to where…学生听let’s talk的内容,根据对话想一想,先到哪再到哪,用笔画出路线。

4、ask ss to read after the tape and practice in pair. then act on the front.5、寻找图书馆。

cai出示几扇门,学生选择一扇门:is this the library ? is that the library?

来寻找图书馆。教师根据实际回答,yes, it is. no , it isn’t .

it is thetv room.等。再让两学生上来边操作边寻找。


setp 3extension and consolidation1、talk about your school

请学生拿出上节课作业,发挥想象设计的学校,与人介绍学校:look! this is my school.

this is the music room. it’s on the first floor. the art room is on the second floor….


2、let’s check

3、完成活动手册的相应练习。4、“introduce the school which you design by english.”将自己设计的学校介绍给爸爸妈妈。


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