
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:55 阅读 4319

课题:unit 9 when was he born?

第一课时section a (1a—2c)听说课。


学习目标】掌握出生日期和职业的表达方式并能谈论名人的出生日期和职业,进一步学习并掌握一般过去时及其特殊疑问句句型。学会对多久提问(how long)和对时间提问(when)的用法。

重点难点】1、掌握词汇:bornbe bornrecord, hiccup, sneeze

2、掌握句型:①who’s that?②when was she born?












c结对活动小组交流我最喜欢的国际明星a: who’s that?

b: that’s deng yaping. she is a great chinese ping-pongplayer.

a: when was she born?

b: she was born in 1973.

明星档案:姚明:a famous chinese basketball player /september 12th,1980周杰伦:

a famous singer/ january 18th,1980/ ****ei(台北)

郭晶晶:diver/ october 15th,1981/won a gold medal in the olympicgame

刘翔:a running star /july 13th, 1981/ olympic champion



2、听力练习2a&2b.(注意听力技巧)listenandtrytofindoutthese phrases:

how longstart doing sthstop doing sthbe famous for69 years and three months

3、根据2c完成下列空格,各组派代表展示练习对话a: how long did donna green sneeze?b:

she sneezed when did she starting sneezing?

b: she starting sneezing when did she stop sneezing?

b: she stopped sneezing on.


四、质疑解惑1、beborn…出生于…,常用于一般过去式,搭配be born in+

地点/年份/月份;be born on+具体的某一天。



2、年月日表示法表示“年”和“月”时,在“年”和“月”前用介词in;表示具体日期时,在“日”前用介词on.如:in 2003,in july,on june 24, 1998。

3、停止做某事stop doing sth,stop to do sth停下来去做某事。

四、当堂检测(一)、选词填空(in, on)

1. she always watches tv __saturday.2.

they were born __august, 1932.3. we went to beijing___1980.

4. she was born __the morning of june lst, 2008.(二)、句型转换。

1、i was born in 1992. (变一般疑问句)__you __in 1992?2. they are workers. (划线提问they?

3、they were born on monday.(划线提问they___

4、she started playing ping-pong in 1978.(划线提问she___playing ping-pong ?

5、he did his homework①for two hours②last night..(划线提问)

he __his homework?

he __his homework for two hours?6. when were you born? (改为同义句)

三)、用适当介词填空。1.tom was born __1992.

2. my mother was born __january, 1966.

3. deng yaping was born __the 2nd of june, 1973.4.

osborne hiccupped __69 years and 5 months.5. it often rains __summer.


)1. when __deng yaping born?in 1973.

a. isb. wasc. wered. am

)2. _did charles hiccup?about 69 years and 5 months.


there __not many people today.

a .were; areb. were; werec was; ared.

are; are()4 he holds the worldfor 100-meter clubb. playerc. stard.

record()5 the little girlwhen she got some stopped cryingb. stopped to cryc. stop to cryd.

stop crying



3.用下列词造句:how long,be born,stop doing,教学反思】

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