八年级英语unit9 10复习

发布 2022-12-26 21:26:28 阅读 8159


i. 应掌握的词组:

1. 杰出的乒乓球运动员2.开始打嗝。

3.太…….而不4. 学会骑自行车。

5. 慈爱的祖父6.与某人一起度过时光。

7. 滑冰8. 滑冰冠军。

9.中国著名的钢琴演奏家10. 因为…而出名。

11.在……年龄时12. 当他12岁时。

13.参加、加入14. 主修,专修。

15. 动身去;前往start for a place16. 因为、由于。

ii. 应掌握的句子:





3. 他什么时候开始打嗝的?他是2023年开始的。

4.你永远不会小到不能做事情的地步。you are never youngdoing things.




tiger woods started golfing

6.it was a comedycall) “home alone”.这是一部叫“小鬼当家” 的喜剧。

三、 综合训练:

一)词汇运用:i. 根据汉语写单词。

1. mr. smith has three孙子).

2. which歌曲)do you like best?

3. ice滑冰)is my f**orite sport.

4. nice to meet you. you can把……叫作)me jackie.

5. i can’t believe that he is活着的).

6. liu xiang is a runner of亚洲).

7. ronald played for his国家的)team when he was only 17 years old.

8. when did she成为,变成)a movie star?

9. he spends all his空闲的)time playing with his daughter.

10. li yundi is the第一)chinese pianist to win the prize.


1. amy began ice skatingthe age of four.

2. liu xiang was __in 1983 in shanghai.

3. yesterday i did some morning exercises anda little breakfast.

4. i stayed at home and __tv yesterday.

5. the boyli ming is my friend.

iii. 单项选择。

) 1. -when __he born? -in 1995.

a. isb. was c. has d. does

) 2. yao ming was born __september 12, 1980.

a. onb. in c. at d. to

) 3is li yundi? -a famous chinese pianist.

a. howb. what c. whichd. who

) 4. she started ice skating __she was four.

a. afterb. when c. how d. where

) 5. she __a skating champion when she was twelve.

a. becomes b. become c. becoming d. became

) 6. she toured the when __was fourteen.

a. heb. her c. she d. herself

) 7. -how long did hefor 12 years.

a. start swimming b. started swimming c. swim d. swam

) 8. these books are he**y for him to carry every day.

a. veryb. tooc. sod. much

) 9. grandpa all his free time his grandson.

a. takes, at b. takes, and c. spend, with d. spends, with

) 10. he could hum when he young.

a. some piece of music, isb. some piece of music, was

c. some difficult pieces of music, was d. some music, was

) 11. shirley temple a movie star when she only three years old.

a. becomes, is b. became, is c. is, became d. became, was

) 12. tina’s sister ride a bike to school she was seven years old.

a. can, when b. can, and c. could, but d. could, when

) 13. the little girl began to swim the age of four.

a. atb. toc. fromd. on

) 14. the tall boy in a blue t-shirt is also good at and

a. swim, skate b. swims, skates c. swimming, skating d. swimming, skating

) 15you born? ―in a town near tianjin.


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