
发布 2023-01-06 15:48:28 阅读 1365

unit 9-10

重要短语】1.be born出生2.start doing/to do sth. 开始做某事。

3.too…to…太……以致不…… 4.three years old三岁5.hum songs哼歌曲。

5.write music谱写曲子6.national team国家队

7.a movie star电影明星8.at the age of… 在……岁的时候。

9.take part in参加10.computer programmer电脑程序设计者

11.computer science计算机科学 12.take acting lessons上表演课。

13.grow up成长14.a part-time job兼职工作

15.s**e money存钱16.at the same time同时。

17hold an exhibition举办展览 sb.sth.=buy sth.for sb给某人买东西。

19.tr**el all over the world环球旅游 20.make the soccer team组建足球队。

21.a few少许22.communicate with sb. 与某人交流

23.major in主修24.because of由于。





6.talent(n)天赋-→talented(adj)天才的 7.love(n)爱-→loving(adj)慈爱的。


10.violin(n)小提琴-→violinist(n)小提琴手 11.tour(v)观光-→tourist(n)游客。

12.piano(n)钢琴-→pianist(n)钢琴家 13.1ive(v)活着-→alive(adj)活着的。

14.asia(n)亚洲-→asian(adj)亚洲的 15.grow(v)成长-→growth(n)成长。

16.profession(n)专业-→professional(adj)专业的 表演-→actor()演员。

18.art(n)艺术-→artist(n)艺术家 储存-→s**e(v)拯救-→s**e(v)节约

读-→reader(n)读者 21. fit(adj)健康的-→fit(n)适合




1,guilin is著名)for its scenery (风景).

2, arthur is a (慈爱的)grandfather.

3, she said she found a job as a外国的) language teacher .

4, what is he going to be when he长大) up ?

5, john is going to旅行)all over the world .

6 when did she start写) music.

7. they’re studying harder to get good成绩).

young woman is very __富有), but she doesn’t h**e a happy life.

she is going到某处)


1, people should stopthrow ) dirty things into changjiang river.

2, you mustreturn ) the money . i will need it then .

3, we must keep our classroomclean ) all the time.

4, —did you see ( some ) sharks in the acquarium ?yes , i saw many .

5, he has anill )

6.he wantsbe)a basketball player.

7.what you said made mefeel)worried.

8.mrs li1ive)here many years ago.

三, 选择填空。

) 1. -what is he going to___when he __up?--he’s going to be a doctor.

a. do, grow b. do, grows c. be, grow d. be, grows

) 2. he is going to practice___basketball every day.

a. play b. to play c. playing d. the

) 3. she is going to take___lessons because she wants to be an actress.

a. music b. acting c. dancing d. basketball

) 4. my uncle is going to___danlian next year.

a. moves b. move to c. live d. le**es for

)5. heall his free time with his grandma yesterday.

) you enjoy __in china?

)7was she bornin 1993.

a. where b. when c. how d. what

8. she was born __january 13, 1993. a. at b. in c. on d. from


1. she was born in 1973. (划线提问)

she ?going to study math really hard to be an engineer. (划线提问)

he going to be an engineer?


一。汉译英。1.看见某人做某事2.为某人加油。3.暑假4.更喜欢打篮球。5.打排球6.将要做某事。7.许多8.滑冰俱乐部。9.最喜欢的运动员10.效力。11.在将来12.多遗憾啊。13.参加14.两者都。15.长大 16.之一。17.一周两次18.擅长。19.对。有好处20.参加,加入。21.爬山2...


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