
发布 2022-11-02 22:04:28 阅读 1469

unit 8


1. 在你的上次学校旅行中。

2. 去水族馆/动物园

3. 和…一起闲逛4. 买一个纪念品。

5. 获奖6. 得到某人的签名。

7. 在水族馆8. 参观游客中心。

9. **一部关于鲨鱼的电影。

10. 看海豚表演。

11. 在…的末尾,尽头最后,终于。

12. 睡过头,起得晚13. 去开车兜风。

14. 在我的下一个/上一次假日里15. 在雨中野营。

16. 进行庭院旧货拍卖。

17. 把他的一些旧物拿出放在院子里。

18. 变湿19 我的观点是……

20. 在昨天的歌唱比赛中获得一等奖。

21. 未来。

1. 你上次休息日不快乐。

2. 我的上个休息日过得不错。

3. 那听起来像一个有趣的故事。

4. 幸运的是,我们没有淋湿。

5. 因为下雨没人来买旧货。


1. she usually buys some sfor her families when she visit a place.

2. we can see many kinds of sea animals in a

3. she likes hout with friends on weekends.

4. she would like to get some awhen she meets famous people.

5. she got the first pfor the best performer.

6. i don’t think章鱼) are the most terrible of all sea animals.

7. children need to take more oactivities to get close to nature.

8. she has four days o___to rest each month.

9. the girl wants to get the prize for the next physics c

10. i think we are studying for our own f___

11. she __an art show last weekend.

a. took part b. took part in c. joined d. join in

12. it’s raining outside. you’d better __an umbrella with you.

a. h**e b. take c. bring d. get

13. miss green has five days __next week.

a. of b. le**e c. off d. out

14. she is very good at math so she may __the prize for the math competition.

a. beat b. h**e c. bring d. win

15. the young man __the most famous player in the world in the last competition.

a. beat b. won c. takes d. gets

16. if it __tomorrow, we’ll stay at home.

a. rain b. rains c. is raining d. rained

17. jim heard someone __beijing opera in the park when he was there.

a. singing b. sang c. sing d. to sing

18. she likes __photos when she tr**els.

a. taking b. bringing c. getting d. h**ing

19. —what __did you do last weekend? —i went to the movies with parents.

a. other b. others c. the other d. else

20. the boy got __in music in the end.

a. interesting b. interested c. interestd. interests

21. —can you __me clearly, jim?

—sorry, speak more loudly, please.

a. hear b. heard c. listen d. listen to

1. she stoppedrest) because she was too tired.

2. we took an umbrella with us so wenot, get) wet that day.

3. i’m sorry inot, come) to your party. i had to look after my sister.

4. could you pleasehelp) me clean it?

5. she had funbuy) souvenirs for her families.

6. on my next day off, itake) more photos.


1.__be)your mother in beijing last week?

2. what __you __do) last night?

iwatch) tv with my parents.

3. it rained all day. and istay) at home.

4. did you goboat) on the lake yesterday?

5. jenny __read) a lot of books last year.

6. wevisit) the summer palace last summer holiday.

7. mike __not) h**e breakfast at home yesterday.

8. what are you doing? ilook ) for my pen.

9. i had funcamp) on my day off.

10. no onelike) a coat like this.


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