
发布 2022-12-28 10:21:28 阅读 3858

unit9 h**e you ever been to a museum?第一课时section a 1a-2c







i learned about the inventions thatcolor movies,too.【拓展延伸】1. h**e been to +地点表示“某人曾经去过某地”,现在已不在那里了。

常和just, never,ever等词连用,后也可接次数,如once, twice, three times等,表示“去过某地几次”【活用】sheshanghai.她去过上海。

neither.常用于口语,相当于i h**en’t, either.表示前面所表达的否定情况也同样适合于他人或他物。

表否定,与me too.相对。me too.

表肯定。【活用】lucy can’t play the guitar我也不会。

go somewhere different different意为“某个不同的地方”形容词修饰somewhere, anywhere, nowhere等时,形容词应置其后。it’s really interesting, isn’t it?这是一个反意疑问句。



good way to do sth.一个做某事的好方法;learn about意为“得知,获悉,学习,学会”lead to “导致,引起(结果等);通向……”活用】hard worksuccess.努力工作带来成功。

up “搭起,建造,装置;举起,张贴”动副词组,名词作宾语可放在两词中间或后面,代词作宾语时,只能放在两词之间。【活用】__your handsyour hands.举起你的手。

当堂训练】 is a beautiful city. i __there twice.

a. h**e goneb. h**e beenc.

h**e been tod. h**e gone to2.--how do you go to school every day, by bike or by busi go to school on bothb.

eitherc. noned. neither3.

--i h**en’t been to sanya, how about you

a. me me me me h**en’ basketball tomorrow.

youat the party?晚会上你玩的开心吗?

6. -h**e you ever been to zhangjiajie?--yes.

i___there with my father last wentb. h**e beenc. h**e goned.

has been7. reading aloud is a good way __practice your spoken english.8you ever __to the art museum?

--no, do; gob. did; goc. h**e; beend.

will; go9. my mother has been to our school.(改为一般疑问句your mother __to your school?



人教版八年级英语下册知识要点 Unit9

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