
发布 2022-12-28 10:17:28 阅读 1324

1.grow 生长;发育。

2. grow up 成长;长大。

their children h**e all grown up and left home now.

it's time you grew up.该懂事了。

3. programmer 电脑程序设计人;程序师n.

4. engineer 工程师n

5. computer science 计算机科学。

6. pilot 飞行员;飞机驾驶员n a fighter pilot战斗机飞行员。

7. professional 专业的;职业的 skills专业技能。

8. act 表演;演戏v. actor;actress

9. move 移动;搬动v搬家,走棋。

10. dream 梦;梦想;幻想 night,sweet dream. dream of

11. somewhere 在某处;到某处adv

i've seen him somewhere before.

12. part-time 兼职的adj. part-time job,full-time job

13. s**e 储存;储蓄v.拯救s**e one's life;节省s**e water

14. at the same time 同时。

15. hold 举行;召集;主持v.

16. exhibition 展览;展览会n.

an exhibition of old photos;make an exhibition of yourself当众出丑。

17. rich 富有的;富裕的;富饶的。

18. tr**el 旅行;长途旅行v.(trip,journey;tour;sightseeing)

tr**el around the world周游世界。

19. all over 到处;遍及各处。

20. retire (使)退休;退职;退役v

21. yet 到此时;至今adv.

i h**en't received a letter from him yet.

22. resolution 决心;决心要做之事n make a resolution

23. instrument 器具;工具;乐器 instrument of god

24. over (在数目、数值、程度等方面)超过;在……以上prep.

she is over 80.

25. fax 传真n.

can you send it to me by fax?

26. reader 读者n.

27. fit 强健的;健康的 fit=keep healthy

28. communicate 沟通;交流 n.

29. lady 女士;贵妇人;淑女n. gentleman

30. foreign 外国的;在外国的;对外的。

31. teach 教;讲授v (taught ;taught)

32. build 构筑;建造;建筑v.(built;built) build your dream

33. exchange 交换;互换;交流n.& v

an exchange of fire 交火;an exchange of glances互换眼色。

34. exchange student 交换生。

35. artist 艺术家;画家 n


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