
发布 2022-12-16 12:05:28 阅读 1541

unit 10 if you go to the party , you’ll h**e a great time

第一课时section a1a—1c及语法。



go to the party with sb与某人一起参加聚会。

be late迟到be sorry后悔let sb in让某人进入wear jeans to the party穿牛仔裤参加聚会五。语法:


if意为“如果”,可用来引导条件状语从句,带有条件状语的句子属于复合句,从句表示主句动作发生的前提或条件。结构: if +陈述句,主语+谓语(=主语+谓语+ if +陈述句).

如:if you ask him如果你问他,他会告诉你答案。you can le**e now if you like .如果你愿意,现在就可以走了。

2.用法。 if引导条件状语从句时,主句用一般将来时,从句则用一般现在时。同学们我们可以概括为“主将从现”如:

they won’t climb the hill .如果明天下雨,他们就不去爬山。if引导条件状语从句时,主句是祈使句时,从句也用一般现在时。

如:if he comes如果他来,请让我知道。

if引导条件状语从句时,主句是含有情态动词的句子,从句也要用一般现在时。如if you is fat .如果你是胖的,你应该少吃肉。

注意引导宾语从句的if与引导条件状语从句的if的区别。引导宾语从句的if意为“是否”,相当于whether ,宾语从句的时态要根据语境确定。如:

i don’t know if it will rain tomorrow我不知道明天是否会下雨。专题训练:

1 . if he __harder , he will catch up with us soon .a.

study b. studies c . will study d .

a. be ,will rain b .h**e , will rain c .

be ,rains d .h**e , rains . waiting for my friendi’ll go shopping alone .

a. if she comes b. if she will come c. if she doesn’t come d .if she didn’tcome

don’t know if she __to the party , if she __i’ll tell you .a. comes , comes b .

will come , will come c .comes , will come d. will come,comes

5.--mary , what about going boating ,if it __tomorrow ? good ideaa. won’t rain b.

not rain c, doesn’t rain rain6. if the snow __we’ll h**e to stay at home .a.

stops b .doesn’t stop c. will stop


1.if shefinish ) work early ,shego) home.2.if the weather___be)fine,wego)for a walk .

3. if ih**e) time tonight ,ifinish) the book i’m reading.4.

if it___rain) next weekend ,wenot be able to ) plant the vegetable . it___rain),we___stay)at home

she___arrive) ,shephone) me .7. if he___call),tell him i’ll ring back .

8. he __not speak ) to you unless you___speak) to him first . don’t know if itrain) tomorrow .

if itrain) ,wenot go )to school六.本课时必默写课文1a .

第二课时section a2a—4



study for the test为考试而学习make some food做一些食物play party games玩聚会游戏h**e the party举办聚会watch a video at the party在聚会上**录像a good time to h**e the party举办聚会的好时间bring food to the party带食物去参加聚会。

the rules for school paries学校聚会的规则take away带走拿走friends from other schools来自其他学校的朋友ask sb to do sth要求其人做某事。

during the party聚会期间五,重点句子解析:

1.when is a good time to h**e the party ?什么时候举行聚会比较好。

其中to h**e the party是不定式短语作定语修饰名词time,不定式短语作定语时通常要放在所修饰的词的后面。如:

when is a good time什么时候举行考试比较好?i h**e lots of things __我有许多事情要做。2.if we h**e it today , half the class won’t come .


halftheworkerscomeformshangdonghalf of….意为“半数的。。。此结构作主语时谓语动词和介词of后的宾语在数上保持一致。


egfrom china半数的学生来自中国。half of his life___spent ****** inventions他花了半辈子搞发明。

2.don’t bring food to the party , if you do ,the teachers will take it away .其中take away是动副词组,如果这个短语中宾语是代词,代词必须放在中间,如果是名词可放在中间也可放在后面。

whose books are there ? please这些书是谁的,请把它们拿走。please take your books away


1。i think that half the class __with youa. to agree b.

agreeing c. agree d. agrees .

2. half of his books __written in english .a. is b. are c. h**e d. has

3. half the classsing ) now

4. half of these bananasbe ) bad .

is a good timevisit ) china

6. why do you put the trash here ? it smells terrible __please .

a. take it away b .bring it away c.

take them away

h**e something __if you want to know about our factory .a .to say b .

to talk c .saying d .talking六.本课时必背课文:

2c 3a.

第三课时section b and selfcheck

一。学习目标: 1.

重要词组, 2.重点句子解析二。重难点:

词组。 take part in与join的区别, famous的使用三。学法指导:


go to college去上大学。

be famous as /for作为/因为….而著名。

tr**el around the world全世界旅行get an education受教育。

become a professional soccer player成为一名职业足球运动员seem like似乎好像。

a dream job一个梦想中的工作make a living谋生all over the world全世界。

give money to schools and charities为学校和慈善机构捐钱do a lot of work to help people做大量的工作去帮助人们all the time一直,总是。

follow you everywhere到处跟随着你get injured受伤become rich变得富裕。

h**e a difficult time doing sth做某事有困难,费力做某事mobile phone手机。

the class party = the class meeting班会too much太多much too太laugh at sb嘲笑某人五。本课时重点句子解析:

you become a professional athlete, you’ll be able to make a living doing something you love.如果你成为一名专业运动员,你就能做自己喜欢的事情来谋生。make one’s living又作make a living,意为“谋生”。

如:he had towhen he was ten years old.当他十岁的时候,他不得不靠自己谋生。

his father makes a living他的爸爸靠卖面包为生。

even so we could hardly make a hand-to-mouth living.即使这样,我们也只能勉强糊口。

2. many professional athletes get injured.许多专业运动员受伤了。

injure作动词,意为“受伤”如摔伤,骨折,侧重指损害健康、成就、容貌。smoking can injure our health.吸烟有害健康。

that little boy fell off the bike and injured his left leg.那个小男孩儿从自行车上摔下来,伤了他的左腿。针对性习题:

league (团) in 1948 . 加入)

you give him a chance __the important meeting tomorrow ?a. join b.

take part in c. to join d. to take part in3.

hang zhou is famous __its beautiful scenery (风景).4. yao ming is famous __a basketball star .

is famous __its fashions (时尚) is famous __the sun city

7. they h**e a difficult timework) it out8. where did youyour holiday last year ?

9. jim spent three yearslearn ) chinese before he came to spenttime watching tv. (用much too和too much填空)

11. the classroom isdirty ,we should clean it at once .(同10题)六:

本课时必背课文: 3a 3c .单元习题训练:

1. what___if i listen to music in class?

happen happening if i __there tomorrow,i___you.

go;will call go;call call3. the old man wanted me___him my show

4. can you tell me when a good time___english is? study .

the young man makes a living by___every fish

it __tomorrow, wego to the park.

a. rains, won’t b. will rain, won’t c. rains, don’td. rains, don’tgo

7. how abouta scarf? a .

buy b. buying c. bought d.

to buy8. i will let him know if i___him. a.

saw b. see

c. seeing d. see

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