八年级Unit9 辅导

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新目标八年级上 unit 9 知识点。

重要词组。1. international sports stars 国际运动明星。

great chinese ping-pong player 杰出的中国乒乓球运动员。

3. was(were) born 出生于。

4. the world record 世界记录。

5. start hiccupping / stop hiccupping 开始打嗝。

start doing (to do) sth. 开始做某事。

begin doing (to do) sth. 开始做某事。

stop doing sth. 停止做某事。

6. too … to … 太…….而不……

7. for example 例如。

8. play for 为……效力。

9. national team 国家队。

10. write music 谱写曲子。

11. a movie star 一个电影明星。

12. perform beijing opera 表演京剧。

13. the chinese gymnast


14. win a gold medal 赢得一块金牌。

15. the world championships 世界锦标赛。

16. learn to ride a bicycle 学会骑自行车。

17. start learning english开始学英语。

18. begin playing sports 开始进行体育运动。

19. a comedy called 一部叫……的喜剧。

20. a loving grandfather 一个慈爱的祖父。

21. spend all one's free time with sb. 与某人一起度过了所有的业余时间。

spend time with sb.


22. a famous violinist 一个著名的小提琴手。

23. ice skating 滑冰。

24. a kind and loving grandmother 一个和蔼而慈爱的祖母。

25. a skating champion 一个滑冰冠军。

26. the well-known chinese pianist中国著名的钢琴演奏家。

27. hum songs哼歌。

28. pieces of music **篇章。

29. begin to learn the accordion


30. at the age of … 在……年龄时。

31. start to learn the piano 开始学习钢琴。

32. take part in 参加、加入。

33. win the first prize 赢得一等奖。

34. the 14th chopin international piano competition 第十四届肖邦国际钢琴比赛。

35. receive such an honor 获得这样的荣誉。

35. because of 因为、由于。

36. major in 主修,专修。

重要句型。1. when was he born?

he was born in 1895.

be born 出生于(be用过去时态形式 was 或 were,因为人的出生多为发生在过去的事,所以用一般过去时)

the great pianist was born on october 10th, 1890.


where were you born?你在哪儿出生的?

i was born in beijing. 我出生在北京。

be born 后可接时间也可接地点,但接时间时,要根据具体时间而选定不同的介词。

i was born in 1991.

i was born in march.

i was born in march, 1991.

i was born on march, 5th.

i was born on march. 5th, 1991.

2. who's that?

that's deng yaping. she is a great chinese ping-pong player.

3. how long did charles osborne hiccup?

he hiccupped for 69 years 5 months.

“how long”是就一段时间进行提问,因此回答时用for后面加一段持续的时间。

how long did he learn english?


he learned english for ten years.


4. you are never too young to start doing things.


too … to … 太……而不能。

是英语中常用的一种结构,其句型为“too + 形容词或副词原级 + to do …”译为“太……而(以致)不能……”它在形式上是肯定的,但在意义上是否定的。

“too … to …”本身已含有否定的意思,因此,不定式前一般不加 not.

she is too young not to go to school. (

she is too young to go to school. (

the water is too hot to drink.水太烫不能喝。

the boy is too young to look after himself.


she is too young to go to school.


the old men started singing / to sing. 老人们开始唱歌。

we started doing our homework at 7 o'clock last night.


5. tiger woods started golfing when he was only ten months old.


when he was a small boy, he could hum songs and difficult pieces of music.


when 是从句的引导词,意为“……的时候”。

mozart started writing music when he was four years old.


it rained when i got home. 当我到家的时候,天下雨了。

when 的用法:


when are you le**ing? 你什么时候离开?

when did tony go to the library? 托尼什么时候去的图书馆。


when he was a small boy, he began to perform beijing opera.


she toured the when she was fourteen.


6. arthur is a loving grandfather. he spends all his free time with his grandchildren.


spend 意为“花费……时间/金钱”

i'm planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside.


she spent $ 500 last year. 她去年花了五百美元。

a)spend … on sth. 在某物(事)上花费(时间,金钱)

maria spent five yuan on the book.

玛丽亚花了五元钱在这本书上。/ 玛丽亚买这本书花了五元。

i often spend a lot of time on my homework every night.


b)spend …(in)doing sth. 花(时间或金钱)干某事。

i often spend a lot of time (in)doing my homework.

maria spent five yuan(in)buying the book.

注意,spend 的主语必须是人,在第四单元中学过“it takes sb. some time / money to do sth.”也可表示“做某事花某人多少时间/金钱”,但 take 的主语应是物,而不能是人。

it takes me a lot of time to do my homework.

it took maria five yuan to buy the book.



7. li yundi, the well-known chinese pianist, always loved music.


划线部分是“li yundi”的同位语,作进一步解释说明。

8. when he was a small boy, he could hum songs and difficult pieces of music.


9. he began to learn the accordion at the age of four.


at the age of 在……岁时。

at the age of 4 mike began to write story books.



1)用基数词表达年龄,可以加上“… years old”three years old.

2)用 when 引导的从句 when i was three(years old)

3)at the age of + 基数词 at the age of three

4)基数词 + year-old three-year-old,注意这种表达常作定语。

如 a three-year-old boy.

10.li yundi took part in the 14th chopin international piano competition in polan.


join 和 take part in 两者都表示“参加”

join 指“参加”某种组织。

take part in 表示参加某项活动。

he joined the party at the age of 40.


when did your brother join the army? 你哥哥什么时候参的军?

do you want to take part in the sports meeting? 你想参加运动会吗?

11. he was also the first chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the chopin international piano competition to receive such an honor.


the 70-year history 70年的历史。

其中 70-year 做 history 的定语,所以 year 不能用复数。

如:a four-year old girl 一个四岁女孩。

the 70-year history 70年的历史。

12.he stopped playing football because of his sore back.


= he stopped playing football because he had a sore back.

because of + n.

because + 句子。



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