
发布 2023-08-11 23:34:44 阅读 5013

pep人教版五年级上册recycle 2



复备人: 一、教学内容:

recycle 1 第一课时: main scene, read & write 1, let’s chant


1、能在main scene中对unit 1-3 四会单词复习并巩固;

2、能在read & write中复习unit1-3所学的会话,学生在实际情景下能运用这些句型;

3、能听懂、会唱“let’s chant”。


1、重点:能综合运用unit 1-3中的四会句子;

2、难点:read & write 1中采访别人时候用的开场白:can i interview you for the school news*****?



2、教具准备:main scene的教学挂图,unit 1-3的单词卡。


step 1:pre-task

1. greeting

2. sing songs in unit 1, unit 2 and unit 3.

t: today we will go to visit a school. spongebob squarepants(海绵宝宝)is also in this school.

now let’s go with him.(教师头戴起海绵宝宝的头像)

t: listen! spongebob squarepants will introduce his school.(ppt显示海绵宝宝出现在一所学校面前)

t: welcome to willow school. but why is willow school ?

because there are willow trees everywhere.(ppt展示柳树的**)

step 2: while-task

1.“what is he like? ”

spongebob squarepants : boys and girls, now i will introduce my teachers. let’s guess who is the one i talking about.

listen and find, please.(ppt显示几位教师的****)

my math teacher is not tall, he is a funny man.

my chinese teacher is a young woman, she is very thin.

look, the strong man is my teacher.

the tall and thin man is my english teacher, he is very strict.

the old woman is my science teacher, she is very kind.

now, can you find them?

sponge bob square pants :but now i want to know about you teachers, can you describe one of them? what’s he like ?

let me know. please describe in your group.

2. “what do you h**e on wednesdays? ”

sponge bob square pants : it’s 8:00. let’s come to my classroom! (ppt呈现教室的**)

it’s wednesday. we h**e math, english, chinese on wednesdays. what do you h**e on wednesdays?


ss discuss the schedule in group with the sentences “what do you h**e on ..

3. “what do you h**e for lunch on wednesdays? ”

sponge bob square pants : here is our school ! today is wednesday, wow!

we h**e eggplant and tomatoes! so can you tell me what do you h**e for lunch on wednesdays?

ss discuss the school menu in group with the sentences “what do you h**e for lunch on ..

4. let’s chant.

sponge bob square pants : i like singing and chants. class is over.

follow me, please. let’s chant!

ss listen to the tape and chant)

step 3: post-task

& write

sponge bob square pants : i h**e a friend, he is d**id, today he interviews a new teacher. let’s see what happen.

(ppt出现read and write的对话及情景图,并**read & write的录音)

the questions.

listen to the tape again, and answer the questions:

1) what does miss green do on the weekends?

2) what’s miss green’s f**ourite food?

after the tape.

the dialogue in pair.

step 4: exercises

finish the exercises with sponge bob square pants!


)1. what do you h**elunchmondays ?

in b. on; for c for; on

)2i h**e english and

a. what do you h**e for dinner on tuesdays?

b. what is your dad like?

c. what do you h**e on tuesdays?

)3. -do you like your english teacher

a. yes, he is. b. yes, you do. c. yes, i do.

)4. i’d like some

a. tomatoes b. eggplants c. potato

)5. -what is __li like? –he is tall and strong.

a. mrs. b. mr. c. miss


1. do, what, h**e, lunch, wednesday, on, you, for ? 连词成句)

2. what’s your teacher like?(按实际情况回答)

your f**ourite food? (按实际情况回答问题)

4. is your dad strict? (否定回答)

5. 填上一词,使a句意思与b句意思相近。

a: i like saturday and sunday. b: i like

step 5: sum up.

step 6: homework.

a dialogue or a story with the key sentences.

the words of the 3 units and find the good methods to remember them.


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