
发布 2023-04-18 09:53:28 阅读 3109




)1、young a、强壮的 b、年轻的 c、年老的。

)2、tuesday a、星期一 b、星期二 c、星期三。

)3、potato a、土豆 b、西红柿 c、青豆。

)4、closet a、窗帘 b、镜子 c、衣橱。

)5、bedroom a、卧室 b、卫生间 c、起居室。

)6、river a、河b、天空c、湖泊。

)7、strict a、亲切的 b、严格的 c、文静的。

)8、fish a、猪肉 b、牛肉c、鱼。

)9、sweet a、酸的 b、甜的c、咸的。

)10、ill a、健康的 b、高的c、有病的。


年老的do homework

星期天sweep the floor

中餐;午饭do the dishes

在……里end table

公园at home




)1、who’s your math teacher?

a、mr zhao.

b、he’s very kind.

)2、is she quiet?

a、yes, she is

b、no, she is.

)3、what day is it today?

a、it’s wednesday

b、we h**e english, science and computer.

)4、what do you do on saturdays?

a、i watch tv on saturdays

b、that’s right.

)5、what do you h**e for dinner on mondays?

a、i’d like potatoes and green beans.

b、here is our school menu.

)6、what’s your f**ourite fruit, monkey?

a、i like apples.

b、i like beef.

)7、what can you do?

a、i can sweep the floor.

b、he can cook the meals.

)8、can you make the bed?

a、no, i can’t.

b、yes, i can’t.

)9、is this your bedroom?

a、yes, it is

b、yes, he is.

)10、is there a forest in the park?

a、yes, there is.

b、yes, there are.



a、he’s thin and short.

b、he’s strong and short.

c、he’s thin and tall.


a、what’s he like?

b、what’s she like?

c、what’s you like?


a、what’s the day today?

b、what day is it today?

c、what are you doing?


a、i often do my homework on saturdays.

b、i often watch tv on saturdays.

c、i often do my housework on saturdays.


a、what’s your f**ourite fruit?

b、what would you like?

c、what’s your f**ourite food?


a、can you cook the meals?

b、can you clean the bedroom?

c、can you water the flowers?


a、there is a new mirror

b、there is a new closet.

c、there is a new trash bin.


a、it’s near the table.

b、it’s on the table.

c、it’s under the table.


a、is there a lake in the park?

b、is there a river in the park?

c、is there a river near the park?


a、the water is clean.

b、the sky is blue.

c、the air is fresh.


we are rabbits. we h**e a new flat. it’s on the third floor.

there are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. i’m a baby rabbit. i h**e my own room now.

it’s small and nice. there is a mirror, a bed and a big closet. there are green curtains and two end tables.

there is a new air-conditioner. it’s cool. i love my new room very much.

)1、the rabbits h**e a new flat.

)2、the new flat is on the first floor.

)3、the baby rabbit’s room is big and nice.

)4、there are two end tables and green curtains.

)5、there is an old air-conditioner.




a.saturdays b.strict c.closet d.wednesdays

e.sweep the floor f.short g.tomatoes h.english

i.cook the meals k.grapes the dishes

m.sourn.thin o.kind p.clean the bedroom

q.nature park r.mutton s.trash bin homework math teacher is (瘦的)and (矮的).


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