
发布 2023-04-17 06:05:28 阅读 5622

浜斿勾绾т笂鍐岄噸鐐瑰彞瀛愬涔?1銆乄ho鈥檚 your math teacher ? mr.

zhao is my math teacher. 2銆乄hat鈥檚 mr. zhao like?

mr. zhao\he is thin and short. 3銆乄ho鈥檚 your principal?

miss lin is our principal. 4銆乄hat鈥檚 your principal like? our principal\she is kind.

5銆乄hat鈥檚 your father like? my father is strict. 6銆乄hat are you like?

i am tall and strong. 7銆両s your math teacher quiet? no, she isn鈥檛。

she鈥檚 very active. 7銆両s your math teacher quiet? no, she鈥檚 active.

7銆両s your math teacher active? no, she isn鈥檛 active. 7銆両s your math teacher strict?

yes, she is, but she鈥檚 very kind. 8銆丏o you h**e new teachers? yes, we h**e a new math teacher.

9銆乄hat day is it today? it鈥檚 wednesday. 10銆乄hat do you h**e on thursdays?

we h**e english , math and science on thursdays. 11銆乄hat do you do on saturdays? i watch tv on saturdays.

12銆乄hat about you?\how about you?\and you?

i watch tv, too.. 13銆乄hat classes do you like? i like english.

14銆乄hat do you h**e for lunch on mondays? we h**e tomatoes, tofu and fish. 15銆乄hat would you like for lunch?

i鈥檇 like green beans and pork. 16銆乄ould you like some grapes? no, they鈥檙e sour.

\no, thank you! 16銆乄ould you like some apples? yes, they鈥檙e sweet .

17銆乄hat鈥檚 your f**ourite food? i like fish.\my f**ourite food is fish.

17銆乄hat鈥檚 mike鈥檚 f**ourite food? he likes fish.\mike鈥檚 f**ourite food is fish.

17銆乄hat do you like? i like fish. 17銆乄hat does mike like?

he likes fish. 18銆両s fish your f**ourite food? yes, it is.

\no, it isn鈥檛。 19銆丄re apples your f**ourite fruit? yes, they are.

\no, they aren鈥檛。 20銆丏o you like fish ? yes, i like fish.

20銆丏oes mike like fish ? yes, he likes fish. 21銆乄hat can you do?

i can sweep the floor. 22銆乄hat can he/ she/ they do? he/ she/ they can clean the bedroom.

23銆乄hat can mike do? mike(he) can wash the clothes. 24銆乄hat can sarah do?

sarah(she) can empty the trash. 25銆乄hat can mike and sarah do? mike and sarah (they) can empty the trash.

26銆丆an you cook the meals? yes, i can .\no, i can鈥檛。

26銆丆an i use your computer? yes, you can . no, you can鈥檛。

26銆?can sarah do housework? yes, she can .

no, she can鈥檛。 26銆?can mike do housework?

yes, he can . no, he can鈥檛。 26銆?

can sarah and mike do housework? yes, they can . no, they can鈥檛。

26銆丆an you make the bed锛孧ike? yes, i can .\no, i can鈥檛。

26銆丆an mike make the bed? yes, he can .\no, he can鈥檛。

26銆丆an you make the bed, sarah and mike ? yes, we can . no, we can鈥檛。

26銆丆an sarah and mike make the bed, ?yes, they can . no, they can鈥檛。

27銆乄hat鈥檚 your home(house/ flat) like? there are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. 28銆乄hat鈥檚 your room like?

there is a mirror, a bed and a big closet in my room. 28銆乄hat鈥檚 your room like? it is big and nice.

29銆乄here is the trash bin? the trash bin(it) is under the desk. 30銆両s this/ it your bedroom?

yes, it is. /no, it isn鈥檛。 31銆乄hat can you see in zoom鈥檚 room?

i can see an air-conditioner, a bed and a book shelf in zoom鈥檚 room. 32銆両s there a forest in the park? yes, there is.

\no, there isn鈥檛。 33銆両s there a river? yes, there is a river.

34銆両s there a river? no, there isn鈥檛 a river. 35銆両s there a river?

no, there is a lake. 36銆丄re there any fish in the river? yes, there are.

\no, there aren鈥檛。

37銆乄hat鈥檚 your village like? there are many small houses in my village. 38銆乄hat鈥檚 the city like?

there are tall buildings in the city.

瀹堕暱绛惧悕锛氾紙璇锋寜鏃ユ湡濉啓鍦ㄨ〃鏍奸噷锛?鍛ㄦ 鏄熸湡 mon. tue.

wed. thu. fri.

sat. sun. 鍗佷竷鍛?



杩涘叆鏈熸湯澶嶄範鍟︼紝鍚屽浠鍕ゅ 銆佽鐪熷仛濂藉涔狅紝宸╁浐鐭ヨ瘑銆備簤鍙栦紭绉鎴愮哗锛屽姞娌瑰摝锛侊紒锛?


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