
发布 2023-03-18 19:21:28 阅读 3692

五年级英语unit1-unit3 (家庭作业)


)1. whe__ a. re

)2. a__g___st.

) mber

) e a. u,a c. u,u a. ce b. ca a. un ( r a. dy b. pe c. te


date, summer, november, ice-skating ,warm)

1. what’s the weather like init’s so hot.

2. jenny’s birthday is in

3. is itin spring?yes,it is.

4. what’s thetoday? it’s june 14th.

5. tony and i often goin winter holiday.



the weather like today? b. what’s the date today?

c. what day is it today?

)2. 今天是你妈妈的生日,你应该和她说:

birthday,mom. you,mom. c. you’re welcome,mom.


it rainy in wuhan? b. what’s the weather like in wuhan?

c. it’s cold in wuhan.


a. let’s go swimming. b. when can we go swimming?

c. where can we go swimming?

) 5.你想确认今天的天气是不是晴朗的,你会问爸爸:

a. is it windy today? b. is it rainy today? c. is it sunny today?


)1. _is your birthday?

) like___because we can go swimming.

) in spring.

a. green

1 c. cold

)5. _it rainy in fall?no,it___

a. is, isn’t

) the weather like___spring?

) help him with his homework.

b. go go

) is___april.

a. in c. after

)9. -is___after___yes,it is.

/ summer b. may / june / march

) at the___they are yellow.

五、仿照例句写句子。 (共10分,每小题2分)

model a: is it windy in fall?


windy/ winter)

model b: what’s the date today?it’s june10th.



model c: when’s your birthday? it is may 5th.

teachers’ day / september


1. can’t,we,in,go,ice-skating,june (.

2.the,in,what,like,jiangmen,weather,is (

3. after,january,february,is, (


the 2 date

todayyour father’s



it’s sunday today. the weather is sunny. i go to supermarket with my mother. we

are going to buy something for my grandmother’s birthday party. her birthday is

march 12th. i’m going to play games with my brother and sing birthday song to my

grandmother. we will eat the birthday cake. i like cake.

) 1. the weather is sunny today.

) 2. i go to supermarket with my father.

) 3. we are going to buy something for my mother’s birthday party.

) 4. i’m going to sing birthday song to my grandmother.

) 5. i don’t like cake.


unit five the weather 一 教学分析。一 教材分析。开心学英语 是由广东省教育厅教学教材研究室与培生教育出版北亚洲 合作编写而成的。强调从学生的学习兴趣 生活经验和认知水平出发,让学生主动有效地参与学习过程。本套教材趣味性强,汇集了儿歌 歌谣 故事 游戏和练习,深受家长和学生的喜...


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复习资料 一 uint one 1 here comes 来了。2 come from 从 来。3 last week 上周。4 last month 上一个月。5 come on 来吧。6 last saturday 上个周六。7 visit friends 探望朋友。8 plant tree 种...