新版广东版开心学英语四年级上册Unit1 3测试题

发布 2023-02-01 12:59:28 阅读 1098

四年级第一学期英语月考unit 1-3(一)


part 1 听力部分。

一、 听录音,用阿拉伯数字给**或单词标号。(10分)

chinese science dance english violin

二、 听录音,把相应的选项连起来。

三、 听录音,判断句子正误,对的写“t”,错的写“f”。

) 1. i like english and art.

( )2. i don’t like music and chinese.

( )3. she is reading english.

( )4. they are painting.

( )5. i play basketball on friday.

( )6. he’s studying.

( )7. we swim on saturday.

( )8. she likes

( )9. we play the violin on tuesday.

( )10. jenny is singing.

四、 听录音,选出问句的答语,把字母代号填在题前的括号里。

) 1. a. i like scienceb. it’s thursday.

) 2. a. yes, we dob. i’m studying.

) 3. a. yes, it isb. it’s saturday.

) 4. a. i play the piano on monday. b. i am playing the piano.

) 5. a. it’s redb. it’s ten o’clock.






1is it today? it’s saturday.

2is gogo? it’s on the box.

3. what’sdoing? she’s writing.

4is it? it’s twelve o’clock.

5is it? it’s yellow.

6she h**e glasses? yes, she does.

7she sad? no, she isn’t.

8that girl? she’s my sister.

9. _are you doing? i’m fishing.

10do you like? i like music, art and english.


) 1they like english? yes, they do.

a. do b. are c. can

) 2.__subject do you like? i like english.

a. what b. how c. who

) 3. is henow? yes, he is.

a. running b. run c/ runing

) 4. what do you __on monday? i play soccer on monday.

a. doing b. do c. does

)5. my brother and sister __fishing.

a. is b. am c. are

)6. what do they do __friday?

a. in b. on

)7. we play __tennis on saturday.

a. the b. \c. 不填。

)8you like math? no, i don’t.

a. are b. is c. do

)9. let’s __now.

a. go b. going c. goes

)10. they area dog.

a. danceing b. dancing c. dance


1. you/ what/are/doing

2. is/ he/cooking

3. chinese/ we/ reading/are

4. subjects/ do/ what/ you/ like

5. like/ science/ i/ english/ and


1. what are you doing1.

i2he doing2.

he3is it today3.

it’s saturday.

whatyou do on saturday?

ion saturday.

六、句型配对, 从右栏中找出与左栏相匹配的选项(5分):

) 1. what is he doinga. i run on thursday.

) 2. do you like artb. i like math.

) 3. what subjects do you likec. it’s wednesday.

) 4. what day is it todayd. yes, i do.

) 5. what do you do on thursday? e. he’s studying.


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