
发布 2020-09-29 04:03:28 阅读 6959

开心学英语四年级上册u1-8每课重点句型。unit1 school subjects

1.问某人喜欢哪个科目,可以用句型:what subjects do/does___like?如:

1)what subjects do you like?i like math and music.

2)what subjects does he/she like?he/shelikesmath and music.2.

问某人是否喜欢某个科目,可以问:do/does __like___如:1)do you like math?

yes, i do./ no, i don’t.2)does helike math?

yes, he does./no, he doesn’t.3.

一起做某事,应该说:let’slet’s后面加动词原形)unit2school activities


a)一般在动词后直接加ing: study-studying


c)以不发音字母e结尾动词,先去掉字母e再加ing: write-writing2.询问某人正在做什么,要根据不同的人来做回答。

如:a) what are you doing? i’m whatis your father doing?

he’s singing.主语+ be动词+动词ing,形成现在分词结构。


unit3my week


3.问今天是星期几用句型:what day is it today?

it’s __4.问某人在星期几做什么,应问:what do you do on monday?

i play the violin on monday.(乐器前要加the ,球类前不加the)unit 4 my day

1.问现在几点钟,可以用下面的句型:what time is it? it’s __

具体在某个时间做什么,在具体时间前加at)2.问某人几点干什么,可以用下面的句型:what time do you go to school?

i go to school at___what time does he/she go to school?he/she goes to school at___3.告诉别人现在该干什么,可以说:

it’s time to __unit 5 mybody

1.祈使句:表示要求或命令别人做某事。如:1)touch your nose!**的鼻子!

2)don’t open your mouth!不要**的嘴巴!(祈使句的否定句)


2. this is___单数)these are___复数)

iyouheshethey我你(你们)他她他们myyourhishertheir我的你(你们)的他的她的他们的unit 6toys

1.问某人想要什么,可以用句型:what do/ does __want?

如:what do you want? i want a does he want?

he wants a toy car.2.问某人是否想要什么,可以问:

do/does __want a /an___

如:do you want a doll?yes, i do./no, i don’t.

does she want a puzzle?yes, she does./ no, she doesn’

的否定形式是can’t,表示不能。2.正在进行时的一般疑问句形式,如:1)i’m washing the car.

are you washing the car?yes, i am./ no, i’m not2)he’s cleaning the windows.

is he cleaning the windows?yes, he is ./no, he isn’t.


3)they are doing the dishes.

are they doing the dishes?yes,they are./ no, they aren’t.主语+ be动词+动词ing,形成现在分词结构人称:



my father and my mother我的爸爸和妈妈(以上用do,动词不需要变化,用回原形)





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