小学英语毕业考总复习重点 四年级

发布 2020-09-29 04:04:28 阅读 6677

四年级)1. we h**e a new classroom.(我们有一间新的教师。)

2. -let’s clean the classroom.(让我们打扫教室吧。)

good idea.(好主意。)/all right.(好的。)

3. -where’s my seat?(我的座位在**?)(备注:where’s = where is )

it’s near the door.(在门的旁边。)

4. -how many books do you h**e?(你有多少本书?)

i h**e 6. an english book, a chinese book, a math book, a notebook and two story-books.(我有6本书。


(备注:a 和 an 在英文里都表示“一个、一件、一样……”其中,an 用于元音音标开头的单词前面,以及元音字母 a, e, i, o, u 开头的单词前面;a 用于辅音音标(辅音字母)开头的单词前面。)

5. -what colour is it?(它是什么颜色的?)

it’s green. /green.(它是绿色的。)

6. -what colout are they?(它们是什么颜色的?)

- they are blue.(它们是蓝色的。)

7. i h**e a new friend.(我有一个新朋友。)

8. my friend is a boy.(我的朋友是个男孩。)

9. his name is zhang peng.(他的名字叫张鹏。)

10. he is strong.(他很壮实。)

11. he has short hair.(他有一头短发。)

12. he likes math.(他喜欢数学。)

13. -where’s my pen?(我的钢笔在**?)

- it’s on the desk.(在课桌上面。)

14. -where are the keys?(钥匙在哪儿?)

- they are on the table.(它们在桌子上。)

15. -is this your bedroom?(这是你的卧房吗?)

yes, it is.(是的。)/no, it isn’t.(不是。) 备注:isn’t= is not)

16. -are they near the phone?(它们在**旁边吗?)

yes, they are.(是的,它们在。)/no, they aren’t.(不,它们不在。)

备注:aren’t= are not)

17. -what would you like for dinner?(你晚餐想吃点什么?)

i’d like some rice and soup.(我想来点米饭和汤。)


18. -what’s your father? (你爸爸是做什么的?你爸爸的职业是什么?)

=what does your father do?)

my father is a doctor.(我爸爸是个医生。)

19. -what’s your mother?(你妈妈是做什么的?)

she is a teacher.(他是一名老师。)

20. -where is the canteen?(食堂在**?)

it’s on the first floor.(它在第一层楼。)

21. this is my computer.(这是我的电脑。)

22. that is your computer.(那是你的电脑。)

23. -what time is it?(几点了?)

- it’s 5:00. /it’s five. /it’s five o’clock.(5点了。)(备注:o’clock用于整点后面)

23. it’s time for dinner.(是时候吃晚餐了。)

it’s time to go to school.(是时候去上学了。)

(备注:it’s time for+名词;it’s time to+动词)

24. -whose is it?(这是谁的?)

it’s my baby brother’s.(是我弟弟的。)/it’s mine.(是我的。)

25. -what’s the weather like in beijing?(北京的气候是什么样的?)

it’s cool and sunny.(很凉爽并且很晴朗。)

26. -can i wear my new shirt today?(今天我能穿我的新衬衫吗?)

yes, you can.(是的,你可以。)/no, you can’t.(不,你不可以。)

27. -how much is it?(它要多少钱?)

it’s ten yuan.(10元钱。)

28. -what are they? /what are these? /what are those?(这些/那些是什么?)

they are tomatoes..(是西红柿。)

29. -are they / these / those potatoes?(它们/这些/那些是土豆吗?)

yes, they are.(是的。)/no, they aren’t.(不是。)

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