北师大版 五年级英语上册期末模拟试题

发布 2023-04-17 02:31:28 阅读 6700




)1. a. bankb. bookshop c. company

)2. a. a bottle of water b. a glass of milk c. a cup of tea

)3. a. a middle school b. a primaryc. a key school

)4. a. certainlyb. afraidc. sure

)5. a. flowerb. notebookc. *****

)6. a. seeb. visitc. watch

)7. a. letterb. matterc. dinner

)8. a. writeb. playc. listen

)9. a. butb. putc. bat

)10. a. theyb. theirsc. there



)1. like swimming.

like some chicken.

like reading books.

)2. please.

i am.i do.

)3. usually go to the cinema on friday evening .

usually go to my grandpa’s home on sunday.

usually go to the park on saturday.

)4. half past ten.


six. )5. my computer.

mine.it’s my fax machine.

)6. i don’t.

they don’t.

much. )7. tv.

)8. i am.


i can.

)9. very nice.

is.are ours.

)10. lives in beijing now.

is from england.

is studying in china.



)1. mike is an animal.

)2. mike is strong.

)3. he has two small ears.

)4. he has no tail.

)5. mike’s body looks like a wall.



)1. a. tape b. h**e c. table d. game

)2. a. map b. lab c. fame d. dad

)3. a. we b. seven c. theme d. these

)4. a. bell b. desk c. keep d. leg

)5. a. bit b. find c. fish d. give

)6. a. sleepy b. bread c. pleasure d. see

)7. a. size b. kiss c. little d. gift

)8. a. sorry b. open c. office d. shop

)9. a. some b. cold c. come d. colour

)10. a. this b. these c. close d. ours



)1. dick gives jim __ink.

a. ab. an c. some

)2. whose are they? they are __

a. our b. we c. ours

) want a new computer __my birthday.

a. to b. from c. for

) me twoplease.

a. sandwich b. sandwiches c. tea

) white dress is

a. my b. mine c. me

) often h**e lunch __12 o’clock.

a. on b. in c. at

)7do you usually h**e english classes?

a. what b. who c. when

)8. what’s wrong __you, jack. you look ill.

a. with b. about c. are

)9. that is __pen.

a. he b. his c. him

) you like some bread? no

a. i’m not b. thanks c. don’t





1. 细读全文,捕捉相关信息。(注意事情的起因、时间、地点、涉及的人物、结局)

2. 分析信息,确定答案。

3. 逐一排除,确定答案。(首先排除词法、语法上的错误选项,再排除与文章内容不符的选项,剩下的就是正确答案了。)

4. 复读全文,检查答案。(答完题后要核对一下文章和答案,看看是否前后一致,意义与语法是否与原文一致,是否合乎逻辑。)

a man is going to see his friend. he takes some sandwiches with him because his friend’s home is very far. on his way, he says to himself, “my friend is going to give me a very good lunch.

” then he throws them away. he goes on and comes to a river. there’s no boat on the river.

he can’t cross it. he starts to go home. he is hungry now.

and he trys to find his sandwiches. “oh, my god. a dog has them.

” he quickly goes up, but the dog runs away. he is still hungry and he goes back home.

判断对错: )1. the man’s friend’s home is not far.

)2. he takes some sandwiches on his way.

)3. he can’t find a boat on the river.

北师大版小学数学五年级上册期末模拟试卷 二

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