五年级上册英语试题 期末复习测试译林版

发布 2023-04-17 02:32:28 阅读 9925



1. 三只熊2. 在森林里。

3. 多漂亮的房子啊4. 在房子里。

5. 在西方国家6. just right

7. 明天早上8. 在厨房。

9. 找到他们的表弟10. 一首英文歌。

11. 记得这些单词12.坐在那里。

presents for tired

15. so he**y16. chat on the internet


( )1、there any juice in the fridge.

a. areb. isc. isn’t

)2、—what’s the matter withshe’s thirsty.

a. sheb. hec. her

( )3、 a lovely doll!

a. howb. whatc. why

)4、helen is behind me. i am helen.

a. betweenb. in front ofc. beside

( )5. xiao ming and xiao hong are twins. theylike sports.

a. allb. bothc. too

)6. there are two applesis greenis red.

a. one; oneb. one; otherc. one; the other

)7. in the us, we can seein canada, we can see __

a. bald eagles; polar bears b. polar bears; kangaroos c. bald eagles; kangaroos

( )8. is popular in the uk.

a. footballb. basketballc. table tennis

)9. he always eats___he is too fat.

a. a lotb. a lot ofc. lots of

( )10.—look! there are a lot of cars. i’m afraid we can’t gowe can wait.

a. take careb. don’t worry c. hurry up d. look out

( )11. he likes __pretty things___the tree.

a. putting, on b. put, underc. putting, in d. puts, on

) 12fold the carddraw a picturewrite your name.

a. first; next; finallyb. next; then; finally

c. first; next; finald . then; first; finally


1. wang bing and his fatherh**e) lunch at twelve everyday.

2. —what do they do? —they’reteach).

3. can you showwe) around your house?

4. don’t gofish)tomorrow.

5. autumn isthree) season of a year.

6. lucy has adance) lesson on sunday.

7. i h**e a rabbit. nancy has twofish).

8they) toy dolls are very pretty.

9. tim has some布丁)in the bowl.

10. thefarm) in black are very hungry.

11. mike oftenstudy) very hard at school.

12. we can cookchina) food.

13. can you teachthey) english?

14. is mike good atskate)?

many n___in the big hospital? there are 100.


1. does your brother usually watch tv in the evening? (改为陈述句)

brother usuallytv in the evening.

2. there is one library in our school. (对划线部分提问)

are there in your school?

3. we usually buy a christmas tree on christmas eve. (对划线部分提问)

do you usuallyon christmas eve?

4. the man is a cook.(对划线部分提问)

the man do?

cousin likes reading books.(对划线部分提问)

whatcousin __doing?

6. tom usually goes fishing with his father.(改为一般疑问句)

___tom usuallyfishing with his father?


1. 这些盒子都很硬。


2. 山姆有很多鱼,但是博比没有。

sammany fish, but bobbyany.

3. 让我们去野餐吧!


4. 你的堂妹经常去游泳吗?

your cousin

5. 周末,他们常常去公园放风筝。

theya kite in the park at weekends.

6. 请把书放到书包里。

your bookyour school bag , please.


i h**e anhis name is d**id. hein the us. hethirteen years old.

he speaksand hespeak a littletoo . his f**ouriteare pe and art. heskating, and he skates well.

he alsoreading, so do i(我也是). we often sendto each other(互相)on the internet. we like each other and learn from each other.


一 听录音,标序号。第一组 听录音,找汉语,标序号。开始地面瓶子蜡笔草地第二组 听录音,找英语,标序号。feelangryblindhealthymatter二 听问句,选答语。根据录音问句,选择正确的答语,在括号内打对号。1 i went to the park.i went by ship.2 ...


2014 2015学年度上学期期末质量检测。五年级英语 鲁科 试题。听力部分。一 listen and number.听录音,标序号。二 listen and tick or cross x 听录音,判读对 错 x 三 listen and circle.听录音,圈出正确的 abab.aba b a...


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