人教新起点五年级英语上册期末综合测评试题 附答案

发布 2023-04-17 02:33:28 阅读 6633

检测时间 50分钟,满分 100 分)


part one listening (40分)

一、listen and choose. 听音,选一选,在答题卡上将相应的字母番号涂黑(15分)。

1a. dreamb. moonc. planet

2a. firstb. secondc. third

3a. julyb. januaryc. may

4a. springb. summer c. winter

5a. ateb. wentc. came

6a. heightb. weightc. he**y

7a. spaceb. spaceship c. star

8a. photob. thanc. take

9a. yesterday b. visitc. clean

10a. raceb. prizec. win

二、listen and choose. 根据听到的句子,选出正确的答案,在答题卡上将相应的字母番号涂黑(10分)。

1a. they were in a spaceshipb. they cleaned the house yesterday.

2a. what did you do last night? b. where were you last night?

3a. he is the second man on the moon. b. he is the first man on the moon.

4a. mocky wanted to do the high jump. b. mocky wanted to h**e a race.

5a. robert had a red robotb. lisa likes her lunch a lot.

三、listen and circle. 听一听,圈出画线部分发音不同的单词(5分)。

1. eat pea milk2. sunny zebra sit

3. red robot like4. she see shoes

5. has next egg

四、listen, choose and write.听一听,选一选,写一写,将单词写在横线上(10分)。

t': span', c': played were was listened ate ',r': r_5'},

yesterday afternoon, mocky 1at ann’s birthday party. ken and sue 2there, too. they 3games and 4ann’s birthday cake.

they 5to music and danced.

part two reading & writing(60分)

5、read and choose. 读一读,选一选,填上相应的字母番号(10分)。

1this cat is so fat.

2we can make a snowman in winter.

3in her dream, she was an astronaut.

4cathy’s birthday is july 28th

5tom went to school yesterday.

ab. c. d. e.

六、read and choose. 读一读,选择恰当的选项,将字母番号涂黑(10 分)。

) 1. we __to the space.

a. wentb. goingc. are

) 2. i didn’t __you yesterday. where were you?

a. sawb. seec. had

) 3is your birthday?

a. whob. wherec. when

) 4. i think ann is than lucy.

a. tallerb. tallc. short

) 5. what are you doing? we are __breakfast.

a. eatingb. eatc. eated

) 6. did ken win the race?

a. yes, he will. b. yes, he does. c. yes, he did.

) 7. i can win a __

a. myb. prizec. great

) 8. it’s __march 12th.

a. inb. 不填c. at

) 9are you?

a. how old b. whenc. how long

) 10months are in spring in china?

a. whereb. whenc. which

七、read and choose. 根据问句找答句,将字母番号填到括号里(10分)。

football is thisa. jane was first.

2. who was firstb. it’s hers.

3. what can you play wellc. you weigh 35 kilograms.

4. when is your birthdayd. i can play basketball well.

5. how much do i weighe. it’s april 10th.

八、read and write. 读一读,写一写,按正确的书写格式用手写体抄写短文(15分)。

ken went to shanghai last night. he went there in september. he went shopping.

he visited his friends. he had a good time there.

九、read and choose. 读一读,选一选,在答题卡上将相应的字母番号涂黑 (10分)。

i went to a park yesterday. there were lots of flowers in the park. they were very beautiful.

and there was a big pond there. i saw many ducks in it. they were so happy.

and there were many children in the park. they played football together in the park. they had a happy time.


期中测试卷。一 请你根据汉语意思找出正确的单词。1.卷曲的 2.小的 3.动物 4.乐于助人的 5.友好的 6.马 7.数学 8.短的 9.绵羊 10.教。a.straighta.smalla.nosea.helpfula.kinda.horsea.mathsa.longa.sheepa.study...


期末测试4 一 英汉互译 28 shoes2.双胞胎。vegetable4.苗条的。good deal6.油。sauce8.跑得快。case10.有趣的。11.娱乐节目12.喜剧。13.自然节目14.试穿。二 按要求完成下列各题 32 单三形式go 现在分词。单三形式h e 现在分词。比较级swim...


unit 1 他的。她的。他 她,它 们的。孪生子,双胞胎。金黄色的。卷曲的。苗条的。直的。雀斑。健谈的,多嘴的。诚实的。聪明的。粗心的。受欢迎的。刻苦的。害羞的。懒惰的。文静的。乐于助人的。友善的。有趣的,滑稽可笑的。unit 2 比,比较。短的,矮的。年长的,旧的。长的。小的。和 的比较级 更好...