
发布 2023-04-17 02:30:28 阅读 9999


一、 根据要求写单词。

cloud(形容词rain(形容词 )_country( 复数kite(复数形式h**e( 第三人称)__do(过去式say(过去式go(过去式think(过去式 )_swim(ing形式。


1. i __a new mask . my brothera pumpking lantern.(h**e)

are someon the table .(glass)

3. do you h**estory book? (some)

windows and doors.(clean)

and i don’t likeswim)

miss gao has some tins offish)

near the tent.(child)

are in the big tree . let’s go and helpthey)

9、i'd like somepotato) for lunch.

10、mikeh**e) english on monday.

11、it'ssalt). it's my f**ourite.








)1.—you h**e a nice coat.

it’s nice. you. right.

)2he like pe?

- yes,he

do c. does ;does d. do;does

)3.—how much are these things?

a. forty—five yuan are. you are.

d. no , they aren’t.

)4.—where’s helen?

-sheunder the tree.


) buy some cards __our friends.

)6in your box?

-some fruits.

is ) h**e some __in the bottle.

)8.—what’s your mother ?


driver d. fat

)9.—what colour is the box?

-it’sa. a heart

)10.__any news*****s in the reading room?

there is there are


1.本,你能做什么? 我会唱歌。

youben? i can



3.你喜欢什么? 我喜欢熊。

you like? i like


on sundays we often go to the __1___near our school. there are many___2___in it---tigers, elephants, pandas and monkeys. the __3___are very big.

they all h**e __4___noses. their noses can __5___them eat and drink. tigers are very___6___they often run about.

they don’t like to __7___in the zoo. many people like __8___they are animals of china. but i like monkeys most(最).

we like __10___to the zoo . we can___8___more (更多) about animals there.

) shop

)6. 小心)

)9. going


mr brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife(妻子) ,mrs brown. from monday to friday he works in an office near his house. he is free on saturdays and sundays.

he has a nice garden beside his house. he likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on saturdays and sundays. the flowers are very beautiful and mrs brown likes them very much.

she often helps mr brown.

)1. mr brown lives inwith his wife.

a. a city b. a small town c. a big town

)2. he worksdays a week in his office.

a. four b. five c. six

)3. he isn’ton saturdays and sundays.

a. free b. busy c. happy

)4. he likeson saturdays and sundays.

a. working in his garden b. walking in his gardon

c. looking at his garden

)5. mrs brownthe flowers.

a. like b. doesn’t like c. often helps




2、 人称代词和物主代词。

pep 小学五年级英语上册期末考试试题

五年级上册英语期末考试试卷。一 语音。本题5分,每小题1分 找出一个划线部分的读音与其它两个读音不同的单词,把序号填在左边的括号里。31 a flowerb flowc slow 32 a todayb dayc friday 33 a cityb curtainc clean 34 a mathb...


150分。一 按拼音填字。12分 b shd u qi om ng l ng q ng xili n yju z 二 比较字的异同,再组词。24分 退蒙散。腿朦撒。峭峡淮。悄狭准。泽竟皎。择竞绞。瞟决扭。漂抉纽。三 写出下列词的反义词 12分 偏僻愚昧肯定 轻松苦楚称赞 四 写出与下面的词意思相近的...


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