
发布 2023-04-16 17:45:28 阅读 1215





1. read ( 2. write ( 3. eat ( 4. h**e ( 5. swi ( 9. run (

二、补全单词,并写出它们的汉语意思。18分 bb ( 2. ll t ( 3.

r ller-bl ding ( 4. s tr ( 5. th ( 6.

l ss ( 7. s ( 8. st k ( 9.

t et ble ( n s ( in at ( t ( 13. h d ( 14. s ft ( 15.

t th ( 16. n t ( 17. ll ( 18.

ie-r ( 三、找出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。10分( )1. a.

bed b. shl . he( )2.

a. three b. there .

eight( )3. a. hinese b.

ath . hina( )4. a.

usi b. english . lass


精品文档。 )5. a.

hbby . yling( )6 a. bk b.

nut . elly d. sweet( )7.

a. hard b. sft .

bx d. sall( )8. a.

teeth b. tth . t-shirt d.

at( )9. a. yellw b.

red . nie d. blue( )10.

a. whih b. what .

where d. here四、写出下列短语的汉语意思。 10分。

1. h**e breakfast 2. h**e english 3 .

g t shl4. g t bed g he 5. d y hewrk 6.

wath tv

7. half past eleven 8. lunh break 9. take the shlbus

10. read stries:10五、单项选择。30分。

)1.--dyuh**ehbbies? writing . se, write

)2.--hathbbiestnyh**e? d, likes b. des, likes . des, like

)3. is his hbby. a.

reading b. read . reads( )4.

an iyu sequestins ?a. ask b.

asks. asking( )5. i usually get up half past six.

.t( )6. this tietable is yur day.

.fr( )7. its 9:

30. its tie bed. b.

t g t . t g


精品文档。 )8. i like usi puter.

b. r . but( )9.

e h**e ath the rning. a. in b.

n .at()10.--dyuh**eenglishlass?

hat b. hat tie . hat hbbies

)11. hih at d yu want, a big ne a ne ? a. and,sall b. r, sall . r, thin

)12. -an i h**e a rabbit ? a. yes, yu an’t . b. yes, i an. .n, yu an’t.

)13. -f urse. a. hat d yu like ? b. hat wuldyu like ? ay i h**e se ndles?

)14. hw any are there in the piture ? a. hild . pupil

)15. is the sarf ? it’s fifty yuan.

a. hwany b. hw uh .

h( )16. helen likes very uh. a.

read . reading

)17. he hlate. a.

want b. wants . wanting( )18.

-hat yu like ? i a bx f sweets. a.

d,like b. des, likes . are, like

)19.--hat anne like ? she hard nuts. a. d,like b. des, likes . is, like

) nut2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作–独家原创。


) )d yu want ? b. the shrt ne.

( tie d yu get up ? a stiker albu.()5.

hih ne d yu want ? e. at half past six.

( 6. hih ne d yu want , a thin ne r a thik ne ?f.

i like lllipps.

) d yu like ? g . a thik n, please.( 8. hw uh is that ake ? h. k

)9. lk at the piture. i .

in the bx.( 10. here are y bisuits?

.thirty yuan.七、根据对话内容判断句子正(t)误( f )。

10分。(anne and her ther are ging shpping.)

y dear! these rainats are nie. hih ne d yu want,the yellw ne r the red ne ?

a: i want the red ne , uy.

k. e’ll take it. d yu want t h**e sweets?a: yes, f urse.

hih ne d yu want, the hard nes r the sft nes ?a: the sft nes, please.

the hard sweets are bad fr


精品文档。y teeth.

yes, yu are right.( 1. anne is at he nw.

)2. the red rainat is very beautiful.( wants the red ne.

)4. anne’s ther wants the red ne.( als wants the sft sweets.



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