
发布 2023-03-23 17:53:28 阅读 7219



transport of goods by air is very expensive.

they transported the goods from the factory to the airport.

练习:1. you can get to hongkong using different kinds of __by air,by wateror by land ?

a. tr**el b. transport d. methods

v. 宁愿;更喜欢。

(1) prefer + n. /pron.

the boy preferred a detective story.

(2) prefer + v. -ing

do you prefer living abroad?

(3) prefer + to do

she prefers to live among the working people.

(4) prefer sb. to do sth.

she preferred him to stay at home.

(5) prefer + n. /pron. /doing + to + n.

/pron. /doing 喜欢……而不喜欢 i prefer the town to the country. /while he was in the office he preferred doing something to doing nothing.

(6) prefer to do...rather than do = would rather do ..than do...

宁愿……而不愿 i prefer to walk there rather than go by bus.

(7) prefer + 从句(谓语动词用should do,should可省略) she preferred that he should do it in the kitchen.


h**e been friends ever since.

about=dream of +n。/dong 梦想,梦见。

young brother dreamed about becoming a teacher.

练习:you!i’v never___meeting you here.

a. dreamed of b. dreamed c. dreamed up d. dreamed away

5..wool un.羊毛毛织品 woollen adj. 羊毛制的。

adj. 可信赖的可靠的。

rely v. 依靠,依赖。

rely on / upon

depend on / upon 依靠,依赖。

count on

it / that depends.视情况而定。

midnight 在午夜。

eg. she left the party at midnight.

类似短语:at dawn 在黎明。

at noon 在中午。

at dusk 在夜晚。

on a rainy night 在一个雨夜。

can hardly wait to see than!

can hardly wait to do/for sth.

can not wait ….迫不及待/急切地做某事。

eg. they can hardly wait to see their son at once.

i can’t wait for his answer.

完成句子。___wait for our aummer vocation.


the children were told that they could go to

the usa, they could___to tell their best friends.

waitcall wait

坚持 坚决主张+that sb.(should)do 虚拟语气。

坚持说 +that+ 陈述语气。

all insisted that he(should)h**e a rest.

she insisted that she was an honest girl.

insist on doing坚持做某事

eg. she insist on our going to beijing by air.

练习。he insisted that he___it and that he___free .

do , was set done ,is set

done ,be set done should set

说服,劝服[(+into/out of)]

常见短语: persuade sb. to do sth. =persuade sb. into doing sth.

persuade sb. not to do sth. =persuade sb. out of doing sth.

eg:she persuaded me into buying it.

the salesman persuaded us to buy his product.


常见短语: persuade sb. of sth.

persuade sb. that从句。

eg:how can i persuade you of my sincerity?

we worked hard to persuade them that we were genuinely interested in the project.

persuade 指成功说服。try to persuade sb to do sth.

advise sb to do sth ,不一定成功说服。

练习:1. -i __him to give up smoking.

--did he agree to ?

--no.a. advise b. persuade c. suggested

convince vt.. 使相信/信服,说服;使承认;使悔悟;使认错/罪。

常见短语:convince sb. of...that从句使某人承认,使某人信服。

convince oneself of...that从句充分弄明白/清楚。

be convinced of...that从句确信, 承认。

毕业 (n)大学毕业生。

graduate from…毕业于。

graduated from high school two years ago.

my brother is a graduate of jinlin university.

翻译练习:1. 他毕业于哈佛大学。(harvard)

2. 我姐姐是一名北京大学的毕业生。


finally agreed with me.

组织。成立 (n)organization

organised the party.

练习。should he___before party.

about 关心。惦念。

young should care about the old.

类似短语。care for 照顾。照料。喜欢 take care小心 take care of/ look after 照顾。

练习。didn’t think jack___what happens to his family.

for about notes of of


determine vt.坚决。下定决心。

determine to do sth.动作决心做…

be determined to do sth .状态。

determine on doing sth决心做…

练习。determined on an early start .

they determinedearly.

2.__to do well, tom studied as hard as he could

a. determiningb. determined

c. to determine d. determine

one’s mind/make up one’s mind练习。


1 北京师大附中2008届第一次月考 一汽车关闭发动机后在路面情况相同的公路上直线滑行,下面关于车速 惯性 质量和滑行路程的讨论,正确的是 车速越大,它的惯性越大质量越大,惯性就越大 质量越大,滑行距离越短滑行距离越长,说明惯性越大 2 北京师大附中2008届第一次月考 游乐园中,游客乘坐某些游乐设...


第一单元复习 单元复习。一 重点字词。百舸 g 峥嵘风华正茂 寥廓青荇 x ng 榆阴。漫溯斑斓漪 y 沦。笙萧剩菜残羹罗绮。霉菌 j n 发酵 ji o 佝偻 g u l u 粗糙 c o 叫嚣 xi o 诅咒 z 倾圮 p 踟蹰 ch ch 跫音 qi ng 慰藉 ji 霹雳 p l 雾霭 i ...


3 后几节的联想文字,表现了作者怎样的感情?后几节想起了古代诗词中对采莲的描写,从而引起对江南美好生活的怀念,表现了作者对眼前的寂静 毫无生气的环境的不满之情,进一步表明了作者内心的不平和对光明 美好生活的憧憬 向往。4 荷塘月色 的艺术特色。本文运用了大量的比喻 通感和叠字,使文章典雅 充满诗意。...