
发布 2023-03-23 17:54:28 阅读 1994


1. 我来自美国。from ,the united states

i am from the united states.

2. 他的名字叫玛丽。mary

her name is mary.

3. 那个女孩是来自日本的吗?japan

does that girl from japan?

4. 他15岁了,是俄罗斯人。russian

he is fifteen years old and he is a russia.

5. 这是我的好朋友,约翰。friend,john

this is my friend,john.

6. 我们俩都是学生。both of us

both of us are students.

7. 这是你的**,给你。photo, here

this is your photo,here you are.

8. 我需要一个新书包。need

i need a new bag.

9. 这是我的老师,史密斯先生。mr. smith

this is my teacher,mr, smith.

10. 他们的英语书在那边。over there

their english books are over there.

11. 你们是同一个年级的吗?same grade

are you in the same grade?

12. 他们来自美国的什么地方?the united states

where are they from in the united states.

13. 我喜欢苹果,你呢?like apples

i like about you?

14. 现在让我们去打篮球吧。go,play basketball

let’s go to play basketball now.

15. 我的姑姑是个经理。manager

my aunt is a manager.

16. 你的妈妈是做什么工作的?job

what’s your moher’s job.

17. 你的姐姐是这个饭店的厨师吗?cook,hotel

is your sister a cook in this hotel.

18. 那些出色的足球运动员在那边呢!over there

those good football players are over there.

19. 让我把那个作家介绍给你。introduce,that writer

let me introduce that writer to you.

20. 我有一个弟弟和妹妹。h**e,brother,sister

i h**e a brother and a sister.

21. 朱莉没有那本英语书。zhu li,not h**e

zhu li doesn’t h**e that english book.

22. 那个**是我的姑姑。nurse,aunt

that nurse is my aunt.

23. 你有多少支铅笔?pencils,h**e

how many pencils do you h**e?

24. 我们学校挨着银行。 next to

our school is next to the bank.

25. 我经常早上跑步。run

i often run in the morning.

26. 你的妈妈喜欢听收音机吗?listen,radio

does your mother like listen to the radio?

27. 他的奶奶总是晚饭后出去散步。go for a walk

his grandmother always goes for a walk after dinner.

28. 他的叔叔讨厌在夏天爬山。climb,in summer

her uncle hates climbing mountions(hills) in summer.

29. 他的爸爸也是那个工厂的工程师。engineer,in that factory,too

her father is an engineer in that factory too.

30. 这是谁的滑板?skateboard

whose skateboard is this?

31. 我们的教室在那边。over there

our classroom is over there.

32. 彼得的游戏机是新的。peter’s,new

peter’s video game is new.

33. 他的房间很乱。你的怎么样呀?messy

his room is very about you?

34. 那些杂志在安的书包里。magazines

those magazines are in ann’s bag.

35. 我喜欢烹调,我有很多烹饪书。cookbooks

i like cooking,but i h**e many cookbooks.

36. 他没有铅笔和橡皮。h**e,pencils,erasers

he doesn’t h**e any pencils and erasers.

37 他们很累(tired),但是他们很高兴。tired,happy

they are very tired,but they are very happy.

38. 你经常听收音机还是cds?radio,cds

do you often listen to the radio or cds?

39. 比起跑步,玛丽更喜欢游泳。mary,prefer

mary prefers swimming to running.

40. 我的床上方有一张中国地图。a map of china

there is a map of china above my bed.

41. 桌子上没有杂志。magazines,on the desk

there aren’t any magazineson the desk..

42. 冰箱里有食物吗?there be,in the fridge

is there any food in the fridge?

43. 你的房间里有几把椅子?there be,chairs

are there any chairs in your room?

44. 我的书包在电脑和台灯之间。between……and……

my bag is between the computer and the lamp.

45. 房间里有椅子吗?chairs,in the room

are there any chairs in the room?

46. 你家客厅里有几个沙发?sofa,living room

how many sofas in your living room?

47. 房间的角落里有一张桌子。in the corner of room

there is a table in the corner of room.

48. 铅笔盒里有其它的铅笔吗?there be,pencil-box

are there any other pencils in the pencil-box?

49. 我妈妈喜欢在厨房里做饭。like cooking,kitchen

my mother likes cooking in the kitchen.

50. 这附近有溜冰场吗?ice rink,near

is there an ice rink near here?

51. 旅店的隔壁是电影院。movie theather,hotel

the hotel is next to the movie theather.

52. 你家附近有什么?near your house

what is near your house?

53. 在你邻近的地区,你最喜欢什么地方?what,in your neighborhood

what is your f**orite place in your neighborhood?

54. 我的妈妈喜欢在超市购物。like doing shpping,supermarket

my mother likes going shopping in the supermarket.

55 劳驾,请问博物馆在哪儿?excuse,museum

excuse me,where’s the museum?

56. 鞋店挨着服装店。shoe store,clothing store

the shoe store is next to the clothing store.

57. 他通常早上7:00到校。usually,get to

he usually gets to school at seven o’clock in the morning.

58. 一直向前走,然后在长安街右拐。straight,chang’an **enue

go straight on and then turn right on chang’an **enue.


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