
发布 2023-03-23 14:03:28 阅读 4990



like to do 喜欢做某事 want to do 想要做某事 how to do 怎么做。

h**e to do 不得不做as a student 作为一名学生 all of you 所有人。

on fridays = every friday 每个周五take photos/pictures 拍照。

h**e fun 玩得愉快such as 例如,就像after school 放学。

too busy 太忙more and more 越来越 if so 如果这样的话。

be good/poor at doing 擅长/不擅长做某事on time 按时,准时。

be good/bad for 对……有好处/坏处a lot of = lots of 许多。

get up 起床a kind of 一种kinds of 各种各样的

answer call 回**organize file 整理文件 hundreds of 好几百。

make friends 交朋友surf the internet 网上冲浪 next to 紧邻。

help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某做 go shopping 逛街why not为什么不。

take the subway 乘地铁 ride a bike 骑自行车fly on a plane 坐飞机。

how about 询问情况如何 what about 征求对方意见 think of 想起,考虑。

free time 业余时间,自由时间 and so on 等等。




1、代表性词语——频度副词:often , usually , always , sometimes , every…(每段时间) ,at…(几点钟), on…(每星期几), never , seldom



如:works, asks, gets

2)动词以s , x , ch , sh , o 结尾+es

如:watches, wishes, does, goes, passes

3)动词辅音字母+y:y---i + es

如:stay---stays try—tries study—studies fly---flies

4)不规则变化:h**e---has 情态动词用原形(can, may等)


否定:don’t / doesn’t(单三)

疑问:do/does…? don’t / doesn’t…?

回答:yes, …do / does. no, …don’t / doesn’t.




如:fewer, smaller


如:more beautiful , more careful , more useful


如:nicer , larger

4、以辅音字母+y,y---i +er

如:easy—easier happy—happier lazy—lazier


如:fatter , thinner , hotter , redder, bigger



want , ask , tell , hope , learn , try , decide , forget , remember , like , love , stop , go , come

例:i want to make new friends.

but they always ask me to study hard and not to waste time online.


1)had better 最好例:you’d better go home now.

2)感官动词 see , feel , watch , hear

使役动词 let , make , h**e

例:i saw (see的过去式)her go to school.

the teacher made him say the word.

3)why not 例:why not go with us?

3、it 做形式主语。

1)it + be +形容词/名词 + to do.

例:it’s so nice to hear your voice.

2)it + takes sb. +some time + to do. 花费某人多少时间去做某事。

it takes me one hour to learn english each day.




now (现在) at the moment (当时) right now(此刻,立即)

this week (这周) these days (这些天) at…(在某一刻)

指示词(用于句子开头): look! (看) listen (听)

2、be + doing

如:go—going study—studying sing– singing

1、i am studying in a vocational school now.

they are playing basketball at the moment.

listen! she is sing an english song.

3、以e 结尾的单词,去掉e,再加ing

如:write – writing le**e—le**ing h**e– h**ing

i am h**ing some problems at the new school.

i’m le**ing right now.

we are ****** model planes this week.

he is h**ing breakfast at 8:00.

4、重读闭音节结尾元音+ 辅音:元音+辅音+辅音+ing

如:stop– stopping begin—beginning get–getting

it’s 6:00. i am getting up.

many children are swimming. can’t you see?


如: feel, hear , see , think of

1、i hear someone singing.

do you see anyone over there?

what does he think of it?


如: arrive, come , do , get , go , h**e, le**e

meet, return, stay等。

we are le**ing on friday.

where are you going tomorrow?

are you staying here next week?


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