
发布 2023-03-10 03:22:28 阅读 8623

unit 2 looking different

topic 1 i h**e a small nose.

本话题学习目标:1.外貌描绘 2.猜测。

必须掌握:h**e和has的用法 do和does

secion a

1. 实义动词 h**e , has(有,has 用于第三人称单数,其余用h**e)

例句: she/he /it/maria has big eyes.

i/you/we/they h**e big eyes.

lily and lucy __has/h**e) blond hair and blue eyes.

2. 助动词:do 和does (否定形式don’t=do not doesn’t=does not) does用于第三人称单数,其余用do


do you/they/ maria and jane h**e knives?

—yes, i/they do. no, i/ they don’t.

—— does he/ she/ maria h**e a ruler?

—yes, he/she does. no, he/ she doesn’t.

___your mother __long hair?


i h**e a big nose, but he has a small __he has big eyes, but i hve samll___

4.外貌:head 头 face 脸 hair 头发 eye眼睛 ear 耳朵 nose鼻子 mouth嘴巴 neck脖子。

其中 hair 是不可数名词。

he has black __eye)and short __hair).his __ear) _be) his __face)__be) round. who is he?

can you guess?

big 大的 small 小的 round 圆的 long 长的 wide 宽的 tall 高的 short 矮的 young年轻的 old年老的。

secion b

1. who is your f**orite movie star?

___who /what) are your f**orite animals?

2. 主系表主谓宾。

my face is roundi h**e a round face.

your hair is long

his face is round

she has big eyes.


secion c

1. different +n.复不同的 the same + n.单数相同的。

we are in different __class) but we are in __same)__school).

2. come from= be from来自。

he __come) from england.=he __be) from england.

they __come) from the

topic 2 what does she look like?

secion a

1.——what does sb. look like?她长什么样?

— she is tall.

look n.长相 looks 外貌。

v.看; look!看 look at ….看…

系动词:看起来 look the same =h**e the same looks 长得一样。

look different=h**e different looks长得不一样。

2.颜色词 black 黑色的 white白色的 gray灰色的 blue 蓝色的green绿色的 yellow黄色的 red红色的 pin**色的 purple紫色的 brown 棕色的。

—what color is +n单/不可数? —what color are + n复?

—it’s +颜色they are+颜色。

— what is red and yellow?(红色加黄色是什么颜色)

—it is orange.

what color __your pants? what __blue and yellow?

3. both 与all 的区别:都(放在be动词后,实义动词前)

both 用于两者 maria and jand are both from the they both h**e blond hair.

all 用于三者或者三者以上 you ,he and i are all students.

secion b

sth. to sb.=give sb. sth. 给某人某物。

例句:please give this letter to maria.=please give maria this letter.

know her. 我认识她。i don’t know her.我不认识她。含有动词,否定时借助助动词。

secion c

1. what color is +n.单数/n不可数?——it is +颜色。

what color are+n复?….是什么颜色?——they are+颜色。

—what color __her eyes. —what color is __this) pants

bulethey are blue.

2.服装。t-shirt t恤 shirt 衬衫 shoe 鞋子cap 帽子 coat 外套 skirt短裙 dress连衣裙jacket 夹克衫。

clothes衣服 pants 裤子。

my clothes __be) over there. his pants___be) blue.


例句: the girl in yellow is maria.

in 穿,戴

例句:he is in a black cap.

topic 3 whose bike is this?

secion a



形容词性物主代词 my your his her our your their its

名词性物主代词 mine yours his hers ours yours theirs its

whose 谁的。

whose bike is itwhose bananas are these/those?

it is his bike.= it is histhey are our bananas.=they are ours.

it is her bike=it is hersthey are their bananas.=they are theirs.

it is my bike.=it is minethey are your bananas.=they are yours.

2.名词所有格以s结尾的名词+’ 不以s结尾的名词+’s

teachers’ day kangkang’s bag

___michael) mother is __they) teacher. do you know___it) name?

this is __school is __we).

the woman in red is___mother.

and ann’s and ann and ann’s and ann

secion b



主格 i you he she it we you they

宾格 me you him her it us you them

2. 词组。

help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事。

例句:please help me (to) find it.

that’s right.没错。

作文。my friend

i h**e good friend. her name is is twelve years has long has a round face and big eyes. she looks very nice.

do you know her?

my card(我的名片)

my name is kangkang. i am a chinese boy. i am twelve.

i h**e short black hair and big black eyes. i am in class 6,grade 7. i am in bowen junior high school.

my telephone number is 87592310. miss liu is my teacher.

仁爱英语七年级 上 Unit2复习

unit 2 topic 1 词汇和重点句型 1.film star电影明星2.look like看起来像。3.not but 不是 而是 4.be from come from来自。5.in the same school在同一所学校in different grades在不同班级6.身体五官及各...


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