
发布 2022-10-23 06:52:28 阅读 3756

unit 2知识点归纳总结。

topic 1重点句型。

1. i h**e a wide mouth. 我有一张大嘴巴。

i h**e … 我有…

do you h**e …?你有…吗? -yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

2. he has a big nose. 他有一个大鼻子。

he/ she/ it has ….他/她/它有…

does he /she / it h**e …?他/她/它有…吗? -yes, he/ she/ it does. -no, he/she/it doesn’t.

3. who is your f**orite actor? 谁是你的最喜欢的演员?

物主代词 4. i see. 我明白了。/ 我懂了。see 看见。

5. i’m thirteen years old. =i’m thirteen-year-old.

=i’m thirteen. =i’m 13 years old. =i’m 13-year-old.

=i’m 13. 我13岁了。

6. i come from england. =i am from england. 我来自英格兰。

7. we are in the same school, but in different 我们在同一所学校,但不在同一个年级。

语法知识。1. h**e/has 的用法。

1)i\ we\you\ they \复数用。

2)he\ she\ i名词单数\名词不可数用。

h**e/has 在各句型中的运用。

肯定句:sb. [否定句:sb 当sb. 为he\ she\ it.\名词单数或、名词不可数时用doesn’t, 其它用don’t.)

eg: i don’t h**e long hair. jane doesn’t h**e blue eyes.

一般疑问句在句前加do/ does, has 变回h**e.

] sb. [yes, i do. -no, i.

eg:does your dad h**e long face? –yes, he does. \no, he doesn’t.

do they come from china? –yes, they do. \no, they don’t.

topic 2


1. the colors

black黑色 blond 金黄色 blue 蓝色 pin***红色 purple紫色 gray 灰色 green绿色 red红色 yellow黄色 white白色。

2. the clothes:

t-shirt t 恤 shirts 衬衫 skirt 短裙 cap 帽子 shoe 鞋子 coat 大衣 dress 连衣裙

pants =trousers 裤子 glove 手套

3. man – pl. men woman –pl. women snowman – pl. snowmen

4. 以man 结尾的可数名词,变复数, 只需变“a”为“e”即可 , 除外。

eg: a man –some men a german –some germans

at 看 next to 在… 近旁, 紧邻。

6. look the same 看起来像/看起来一样 look like … 看起来像… (一样)

eg: you and your mom look the same.你和你妈妈看起来像。

you look like your mom.你看起来像你妈妈。

sth. to sb. =give sb. sth.



please give the letter to maria. =please give maria the letter.

8. want to do sth. 想要做某事。 i want to buy a new pen.

want sth. 想要某物 i want a pen.

9. a pair of +名词复数一双…./一副…/两只…

a pair of shoes 一双鞋子/ 两只鞋子。

a pair of glasses 一副眼镜。

10. be in a yellow dress 穿一条黄色的裙子 = wear a yellow dress

in 在此表示“穿戴”

i am in a red coat today. =i wear a red coat today.


topic 3


人称代词。i we you he she it 主格, 用作主语。

me us you him her it 宾格, 放于动词或介词之后。

物主代词。my our your his her its 形容词性物主代词+名词。

mine ours yours his hers its 名词性物主代词后不接名词。

eg: (1) he is my english teacher.

(2)the red pen is yours. my pen is blue.

3) we can help him.

特殊疑问句:who 谁 whose +n.谁的 which 哪一个 what 什么。

when 何时 where 何地 why 为什么 how 如何。


1. -is this your cap? -no, it’s not mine.

2. –whose cap is it, then? –it’s sally’s.

1) whose + n. 谁的? ﹨who’s … 是谁?

2) sally’s 萨莉的。



b.以s 结尾的复数名词, 在词尾加“

eg:kangkang’s shirt

men’s shoes

teachers’ books

3. -whose shoes are those? –they are …

--whose +名词复数+ are these / those? =whose are these / those + 名词复数?

回答用: they are …

4. i think it’s kangkang’s.


1does your new teacher look like?

a. whatb. wherec. who

2. she very tall and she blond hair.'

a. has; isb. are; h**ec. is; has

3you know the boy in the car?

---yes, i

a. does; does b. do; doc. are; am

4color is your bike?

---it’s black.

a. whatb. howc. where

5. -are those bags green?


a. they aren’t b. they arec. they’re

6. the man red is mr. read.

a. onb. withc. in

7. -my bike is here. where is

---it’s over there(在那边).

a. girlb. girl’sc. the girl’s

8. i a classmatename is li ping.

a. h**e; his b. h**e; hec. has; his

9those men. they are mr. zhang, mr. li and

a. lookb. look forc. look at

10. -how old are you in the photo?


a. thinkb. guessc. look

11. -please give this skirt your mom.


a. atb. forc. to

12book is in the desk. where is ?

a her; hisb. her; himc. he; her

13white shoes are those?

---sorry, i don’t know.

a. who’sb. wherec. whose

14is your coat?


a. what; here b. where; here c. whose; mine

15. -your dress looks very nice.


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