
发布 2023-03-03 04:49:28 阅读 1003


1、早上/下午好:good morning/afternoon ! good morning/afternoon !

2、你好:hello/hi !—hello/hi !

3、你好:nice to see/meet you.——nice to see/meet you ,too.

4、初次见面你好用于较正式的场合:how do you do ?—how do you do?

5、欢迎来到中国。welcome to china !—thanks/thank you.

6、你好吗?how are you ?—i’m fine/fine, you? —i’m ok/i’m fine,too.

7、给你:here you are. —thank you.

8、再见:goodbye. —bye.

9、介绍第三者的句式:××this is ××

10、非常感谢:thank you very much.——that’s ok. /you’re welcome.


1、请问你的名字是什么?what’s your name,please? my name is ××

2、你来自**?where are you from? i am from×××

3、他/她来自**?where is he/she from? he/she is from×××来自:be from = come from

4、你也来自加拿大吗?are you from canada, too?

5、他们是谁?who are they? they are ××and ××

6、你的**号码是多少?what’s your telephone number? it’s ××

7、打扰一下,你是jane 吗? excuse me, are you jane?

8、对年龄提问?how old +be动词+主语?主语+be动词+数字+years old.

9、你在哪个班级? what class are you in? i’m in class one ,grade seven.

10、你在哪个年级?what grade are you in? i’m in grade seven.

11、那是谁? who’s that? that’s nancy.

12、这/那用英语怎么说?what’s this/that in english? it’s×××

13、这些/那些用英语怎么说?what are these/those in english? they’re ××


what’sthis/that? it’s×××


what are these/those? they’re×××

16、怎么样拼它? how do you spell it? e-r-a-s-e-r,eraser.

17、你会拼吗?can you spell it? yes. m-a-p,map.

18、让我帮助你。let me help you. thank you .

19、a/an 的用法:a用在辅音音素前面(28个)。an 用在元音音素前面(20个)。元音字母:a e i o u


h**e a small nose, but he has a big one.我长着小鼻子,但他长着大鼻子。


2、你是对的。 you’re right =that’s right.

3、谁是你最喜欢的演员?who is your f**orite actor?

4、我们在相同的学校,但在不同的年级。we are in the same school,but in different 后跟可数名词的复数形式。same前一定要加the.

5、外貌特征:what does she/he look like? 她/他长得什么样?回答:she/he +has+(a/an)+adj.+n.

6、我来自中国。i come from china.=i am from china.

7、 看起来像:look the same

看起来不像:not look the same=look different

看起来像。look like+宾语。

8、请把这封信给maria. please give this letter to maria.=please give maria this letter.

give sb. sth.=give sth. to sb. 给某人某物。(sb.要用宾格形式)

有代词的时候(it)只能用give it to sb.

9、我想要买一件t恤衫,一顶帽子和一双鞋。i want to buy a t-shirt, a cap and a pair of shoes.

want to do sth. 想要做某事 (do指的是动词的原形)

10、对颜色提问:what color +be动词+主语?it’s/they’re+颜色。

11、look 表示看的动作。look at +宾语。看。


13、它是谁的帽子?whose cap is it?


15、名词所用格:一般在词尾加’s ,以s结尾的复数名词加’用whose 提问。

16、帮助某人做某事:help sb.(to) do sth.=help sb. with sth.(sb.用宾格形式)


2、助动词do 和does


4、特殊疑问句和一般疑问句(be动词和助动词do,does 开头,必须有yes和no回答)

5、动词的单三形式(常见的有find,want,think, come, look, speak,h**e)





4、how old(年龄)



7、what class(班级)

8、what grade(年级)

9、what color(颜色)


新学期的学习已经开始了,开学第一课大家一定很迷茫,不知道该如何开始,为此我们整理了unit1知识点,大家都掌握了吗?快来获取最新知识吧!单词词组。1 good morning afternoon evening 早上 下午 晚上好。good night 晚安 晚上告别 2 glad nice to ...


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七年级英语 上册 Unit1语法 知识点汇总

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