
发布 2022-10-23 06:53:28 阅读 2854

unit 2

1. dress sb. (oneself) eg: she dresses the baby. 她给孩子穿衣服。

dress 后不能接“衣服”类词作宾语。

be/get dressed in + 衣服或表示颜色的词。eg: they are dressed in red. 他们穿着一身红衣服。

2. brush one’s teeth

3. what time所表示的时间比较精确,指“几点钟”、“几分钟”;when 所表示的时间范围要比

what time广,回答时可以用具体几点钟,也可以说哪一天,甚至哪一年。

4. 频率副词:always , often , sometimes , never等,提问用特殊疑问词 how often

5. job cn. 工作,职业 eg: mary wants a relaxing job.

work un. 工作单位;工作;劳动 eg:mr wang usually goes to work by bus.

v. 工作;劳动;干活 eg: tony’s uncle works in a factory.

6. exercise v. 锻炼;练习。

un. 锻炼;运动 eg:walking is good exercise.

cn. 练习;习题 eg: i h**e to do a lot of exercises every day.

7. best---well adv. eg: which skirt do you like best?

the best---good adj. who os the best student in your class?

8. do 做实义动词 ”做“, 可单独做谓语。 do homework/housework/chinese kongfu/the dishes


eg: when do you usually do your homework? -i usually do my homework in the evening.

9. take a walk = h**e a walk = go for a work

10. either --or---或---或---不是---就是---是---还是---eg: either she or i am right.

neither---nor---既不是---也不是---eg: neither she nor i am right. neither hot nor cold.

both---and---两者都---eg: both she and i are right.

11. lots of = a lot of

12. tastes 尝起来。


1. 整点时间:

“基数词+ o’clock”表示,o’clock可省略。

eg: -what time is it ?

it’s five.

2. 非整点时间。


eg: 6:05 six five 7:55 seven fifty-five 9:30 nine thirty

注意:在这种形式中,15分钟不能用a quarter 表示,30分钟不能用half 表示。

(2)分钟数+ past/to +钟点数。

如果分钟数不超过30,就用“分钟数+past + 钟点数”来表示。这时15分钟可用a quarter 表示,30分钟可用half 表示。

eg: 2:15 a quarter past two 4:30 half past four

如果分钟数超过30.就用 “60减去分钟数 + to + 下一个钟点数”来表示。

eg: 9:50 ten to ten 10:45 a quarter to eleven

口诀:“时”在前,“分”在后,quarter, half 不能有。如果出现past 或to, 我们可要看清楚;前是“分”,后是“时”,past 或 to 立中间;past加,to 是减。

如果表示“几点半”,要用half past 加钟点。

2、 表示时间的介词 in , on 和 at 的用法。

1. on 用在具体的某日或某日的上午、下午、晚上等前。

on july 2nd 在七月二日on sunday 在星期日

on the morning of may 1st 在五月一日的早晨 on the morning of last sunday 在上个星期天的早晨。

2. 用在早上、下午、晚上之前,或用在周、季、年、世纪等之前。

eg: in the afternoon 在下午 in summer 在夏天。

3. at 用在具体时刻之前,或用在一日中的黎明、中午、黄昏、午夜之前。

eg: at six o’clock 在六点 at noon 在正午。

如果时间词前有 next , this, last, every等修饰语时,常不用介词。

1. “what’s the time now

a it is fine. b it is seven thirty c it is monday d it is may 5th

2. “does she go to bed?” she goes to beb at 10:00.”

a. whar b. what time c. where

3. -when is your chinese lesson?

---it’s at __

a. ten past half b. ten to half c. half past ten d. half of ten

4. zhang hong usually gets up

a. on six thirty b. at thirty six c. at six thirty d. on thirty six

5. my friend, henry was bornjune 10th, 1997.

a. in b. on c. at

6. we can be thankful every day , not just __thanksgiving day.

a. in b. on c. to d. by


1. there are no busesyou’ll h**e to walk.

a. so c. but

2. the pizza __good. i’d like some more.

a. turns b. sounds c. feels

3a book in the library, enter a key word into the computer.

a. to find b. find c. to write

4. when he heard a cry for help, he ran out as __as he could.

a. hardly b. quickly c. finally

5. _lily __lucy is going with you because one of them must stay at home.

a. not only; but also b. neither ; nor c. both ; and ; or

6. -zhang lili,”the most beautiful teacher”, has moved us deeply.

---yes, and she is __popular with her students.

a. sometimes b. never c. always d. hardly

7. it’s a good habit to brush your牙齿) every day.

8. 每天放学后,我们可以散散步来放松自己。

we canto relax ourselves after school every day.

9. 多吃蔬菜水果对健康有好处。

your health to eat more vegetables and fruit.

10. my grandma often gets up e早) to do exercise.


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