
发布 2022-10-23 07:20:28 阅读 6985

unit2 复习。


1. 邮件

2. 办公室

3. 邮局

4. 餐馆、饭店

5. 银行

6. 超级市场

7. 街道

8. 付钱

9. 投币公用**

10. 公园

11. 大街

12. **

13. 桥

14. 在那里

15. 在……附近

16. 横过、在对面

17. 在……对面

18. 紧靠……的旁边;贴近

19. 介于(两者或多者之间)

20. 前面

21. 在……前面

22. 在……之后

23. 附近;附近地区

24. 直接地;仅仅

25. 径直地;直接地

26. 转弯;转变方向

27. 向左

28. 向下

29. 向右

30. 在右边

31. 开着的

32. 市场;市集

33. 清洁的

34. 宁静的

35. 肮脏的

36. 房子;住宅

37. 欢迎

38. 花园;菜园

39. 区域;地区

40. 享受……的乐趣

41. 散步;步行

42. 散步

43. 穿过;通过

44. 开始

45. 旅行;游历

46. 参观;游览

47. 地方

48. 愉快;开心

49. 玩得开心

50. 如果

51. 饥饿的

52. 到达;抵达

53. 路、路线

54. 乘;坐;搭(车、船)

55. 出租车;计程车

56. 飞机场

57. 通过

58. 希望


1. bank


front of

18. across

19. across from

21. there

22. **enue



三、grammar foocus

一)、there be 与h**e “有”

人“有” i h**e a book. she has two erasers. do you h**e a book? yes, i do. no, i don’t.

2. there be “地点有或时间有 ”

1) there is + 单数名词a/an +地点或时间。

there is a pen on the desk. is there a pen on the desk? yes, there is. no, there isn’t.

2) there are + 复数名词+地点或时间。

there are many tomatoes in the room. are there many tomatoes in the room? yes, there are.

no, there aren’t.

有” 填空。

1. they___a pen on the desk

2. _they___a pen on the desk.? yesno

3a pen on the desk.

4a pen on the desk? yesno

5many books in the bookcase

6many books in the bookcase ? yesno

7. shea pen on the desk

8 ._shea pen on the desk? yesno

9a book and two pencils in the bookcase.

10two pencils and a book in the bookcase.

11two pencils and a book in the bookcase? yesno

12a book and two pencils in the bookcase? yesno

13. imany books in the bookcase.

14. _you __many books in the bookcase? yesno


1. 我(在)抽屉里一张**i h**e a photo in the drawer. (人有)

你在抽屉里一张**吗do you h**e a photo in the drawer?

是的,有。 不,没有yes, i do. no, i don’t.

2. (在)抽屉里一本生物书there is a biology book in the drawer.(地点有)

(在)抽屉里一本生物书吗is there a biology book in the drawer?

是的,有。 不,没有yes, there is. no, there isn’t.

3. 他在椅子下两本字典he has two dictionaries under the chair.

他在椅子下两本字典吗does he h**e two dictionaries under the chair?

是的,有。 不,没有yes, he does. no, he doesn’t.

4. 沙发附近三块表there are three watches near the sofa

沙发附近三块表吗are there three watches near the sofa?

是的,有。 不,没有yes, there are. no, there aren’t.

5. 我们学校许多街道。(21)our school has many streets.

2)there are many streets in our school.

6. 我们有许多林荫大道we h**e **enues.

7. [有一些**。(2his family has some photos.

there are some photos in his family.

8. 这家房子有一颗小树和三颗大树there is a small tree and three gig trees in the house.


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