
发布 2022-10-23 07:21:28 阅读 4020


班级 __姓名编号 no.__日期 2014-3-2___备课组七年级英语组主备人:龙聪审核人:周洋燕。

课题: review of unit2 反馈课。




训练课导学】1.时段: 晚自习 2.时间: 20’ 3.训练方式: 独立 ,自主完成





) 1. mary is always the first one __to school.

a. to come b. comes c. come d. coming

) 2. i thinkaround four thirty.

a. it b. it’sc. its d. is

)3.--which would you like, tea or coffee?

is ok. i don’t mind.

a. each b. either c. both d. all

)4. what time __he usually take a shower?

a. do b. does c. are d. is

) home at 5:00 in the afternoon

a. gets to b. gets c. go d. goes

) 6. you need to brush your teeth after __to h**e good teeth.

a. eat b. to eat c. eating d. eatting

)7.--what time do you usually get up, mike?

i usually get up at __

a. half past six b. thirty six c. thirty to six d. thirty to seven

)8. paul likes __ping-pong. he usually __it on weekends.

a. playing, playing b. plays, plays

c. playing, plays d. to play, play

) wants to find ahe doesn’t like to __here. a. work, job b.

job, job c. job, work d. work, work

---it’s eight thirty.

a. what time is it?

b. what time do you go to work?

c. when do you go to school?

d. at night


1. mr. brown tells a __fun) story.

2. his little brother has eighttooth).

3. when i get homequick), i always do my homework first.

4. at nine thirty, she __go) to bed.

5. the fish尝起来) delicious.

should do more exercise to keep健康).

can跑步) very fast.


1. 不是你对就是我对。



hegood friends.


mary has a

4. jim 每天下午5点回家。

jimat 5:00



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