七年级英语作业纸unit2 2

发布 2020-03-31 14:01:28 阅读 9589


课题:7a unit2 reading (i)(第2课时)

班级: 年级班姓名。

一、 词组翻译。


3.彼此交谈4. …一员。

5.给我发电子邮件6. 坐在树下。



)1. the school day __at seven every morning.

a. begins b. is beginning c. begin d. is begins

)2. i spend about half an hour __with my friends every day.

a. to chat b. chat c. chatting d. chating

)3. it’s time __supper.

a. to b. for c. of d. in

)4. do you often practise __english in the morning?

a. speak b. to speak c. speaking d. speaks

)5. does she spend twenty yuan __her pencil case every term?

a. in b. for c. on d. at

)6. my mother oftenearly in the morning.

a. wakes up me b. wakes me up c. wake up me d. wake me up

)7. -it’s time to go to bed

a. good morning b. good night c. good evening d. good afternoon

)8. let you and __good friends.

a. i am b. me be c. me are d. i are

)9. my brother enjoys __

a. play football b. play the football c. playing football d. plays football

)10. it takes me an hour __the story every day.

a. to finish read b. to finish reading c. finishing reading d. finish to read



1. 我弟弟每天放学后花半个小时看电视。

my brother spendsafter school every day.

2. 他是游泳俱乐部的一名成员。he isthe

3. 在生日聚会我们玩得十分开心。

weat the birthday party.

4. 在学校,老师们对我非常好。my teachersme at school.

5. 我和我的朋友们总是在网上互相聊天。

my friends and i alwayson the internet .

6. 公园里有许多孩子。

therein the park.

7. 他们在八点钟开始上课。theyat 8:00.

8. 他经常在河里游泳,他擅长游泳,他是一个出色的游泳者。

he often __in the river. he’sand he is a good __

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