七年级英语作业纸unit2 1

发布 2020-03-31 14:02:28 阅读 6401


课题:7a unit2 comic strips & welcome to the unit(第1课时)

班级: 年级班姓名。


1. 醒来2. 吃午饭。

3. 做早操4. 做课外活动。

5. 上课6. 看电视。

7. 想要去睡觉8. 如何玩得开心。



1. he often __go)to school at 7:00 andh**e)lunch at school.

2. do you wantplay)basketball after school?

3lilywatch)tv every evening?

---no, shenot)

4. tom doesn’t know how __look)after his dog.

5. is it timeh**e)lessons, boys?


1. is it time for breakfast ? 改为同义句)

is it time

2. they often h**e fun at the birthday party. (改为同义句)

they oftenat the birthday party.

3. kate usually does after- school activities at 4:30 (对划线部分提问)

kate usually __after-school activities?

4. i think shanghai is a big and nice city. (改为否定句)

ishanghai is a big and nice city.

5. he takes a bus to work every day.(改为同义句)

heworkevery day.


1. 我不知道如何用英语说东西。

i don’t knowsomething

2. 现在是下午五点, 该到我们回家的时候了。

it is 5:00 . it’s timehome.

3. -你们每天做早操吗? -不。

youevery day?

---no4. -你擅长购物吗? -是的。

youyes, i am.

5. 你们每天都做家庭作业吗?

___youevery day?


amy g___up at 6:00 every morning, and she g___to school at 7:40.

she h___maths at 8:30 and science at 9:30.

english is her f___subject . mr wu is her maths teacher. she e___lunch at school.

her music and classes are usually in the afternoon .

七年级英语作业纸unit2 4

七年级英语作业纸。课题 7a unit2 vocabulary 第4课时 班级 年级班姓名。一 词组翻译。1 打羽毛球2.听收音机。3.做模型飞机4.在电视上。5.发电子邮件6.足球比赛。7.看太多的电视8.读报。二 情景配对在ii栏中找出与i 栏中各句相对应的答语,将其序号填入句前括号内。iii ...

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