unit2 七年级上

发布 2022-10-23 05:11:28 阅读 3574

unit 2 is this your pencil?

this 这,that 那 me? 打扰一下。

this/that in english?那用英语怎么说? do you spell it?怎么拼读。

把什么带出去 sb打**给某人。

and find 失物招领 game 电脑游戏。

case铅笔盒 sharpener 卷笔刀。

not 不是10. a set一套。


系动词be/助动词/情态动词+主语+其他成分,肯定回答:yes,+主语+提问的助动词。 否定回答:no,+主语+提问的助动词+not.

如:are you from japan﹖

yes i am. /no i'm not.

is her sister doing her homework now﹖

yes she is. /no she isn't.

does he work in a bank﹖

yes he does. /no he doesn't.

do you live near your school﹖

yes i do. /no i don't.

can you speak french﹖

yes i can. /no i can't.

may i go home now﹖

yes you may. /no you mustn't.等等。。。

本单元所学一般疑问句:is this/that….?

yes, it is.

no,it isn’t.

如:is this your pencil?

---yes, it is

---no, it isn’t

sb at+**号码播某**号码找某人。

this/that in english?回答是it’s…或者直接说名字就行。


1.what’s this in engjish

2.how do you spellpencil?

3.call jane at635-2469.

4.is this your eraser?

5.my backpackis big. i can put many things in it.

6.is that your combutergame in the case?

7.i want to buy two pencil sharpener

8.a set of keyis on your desk.

9.is your watch in the lostand found case?

10.he can’t find the word in the dictionary


1.__my___i) name is lisa barnes.

2.jenny is a girl. _her___she) family name is green.

3.what’s __your___you) name, please?

4.he is a boy and she is a __girl___boy的对应词).

5.nice __to__meet___meet) you ,too.

6.i h**e __no___yes的反义词) notebook.

7.that is __her___jim) watch.

8.my friends __do___be) gina and sonia.

9.i __does___be) an english schoolgirl10.__his___he) pencil is in the pencil case.


1.can i h**e a look atyou) watch?

2.draw a picture on the board and some students are guessing whatits) is.

3.i h**e threewatch).

4.is that your computer game in thelose) and found?

5.this isi) school id card.

6.here is a set ofkey).

7.i like to putnothing) in this bag and let others guess what they are.

8.can i h**e two moreguess)?

9.do you know who is theown) of this pen?

10thank) a lot for helping me this time.


1.i guess there must bein the teacher's bag because it is full.

a.something b.nothing c.anything d.everything

2.do you know how many alphabets are there in english

a.23 b.24 c.25 d.26

3.what's thisenglish? "backpack."

a.by b.in c.on d.at

4.you can find your lost watch at themore easily than at other places.

a.shop b.market c.school d.lost and found

5.i need ato draw a line.

a.eraser b.schoolbag c.ruler d.pencil sharpener

6.if i want to know the exact time, i'd better h**e a

a.photo b.watch c.ring d.key

7.six-two-five-six one-nine-double zero is mr. brown's telephone number. in his number we can seeo" s.

a.1 b.2 c.3 d.4

8.mr. lee hasname、call and birthday on his own id card.

a.her b.its c.his d.my

9.my set of keysold, but your keys are new.

a.am b.is c.are d.be

10.please draw a picture on the

a.board b.id card c.library book d.watch

11.-how do you spell ring?

a.it’s a ring b.r-i-n-g c.r-i-n-g d.a ring

12.is thatpencil case?

a.he b.him c.his d.he’s

13.-is this an orange?

yesa.it’s b.its not c.it is d.is it

14.tom and jimin class 3.

a.is b.be c.am d.are

15.-what’s your telephone number?

a.this b.that c.it d.it’s

16what’s this in english?

i don’t know.

a.excuse me; sorryb.excuse me; excuse me

c.sorry; sorry d.sorry; excuse me



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