人教版七年级上册英语1 3单元知识点总结 练习

发布 2023-03-09 15:04:28 阅读 8691

1、知识点1 按顺序默写26个英文字母(大小写形式都要写出来)。

二、知识点2 重点单词及短语。

1. good morning ! 早上好! 2. good afternoon ! 下午好!

evening ! 晚上好 are you! 你身体好吗?

5. i’m fine. 我身体很好6. thanks! 谢谢 !同thank you

ok. 我身体很好。

例题: 早晨见面向某人问好时,应说。

a. hi b. hello! c. good morning! d. good afternoon!

解析:早晨见面问好应该说“good morning”,故选c选项。

练习: )1.晚上见面向某人问好时,应说。

a. good morningb. good afternoon !

c. good eveningd. good night !

)2.--how are you,mary?

jack.a. good evening b. thank you

c. i’m fine, thanks. d. how are you ?

)3. you’re fine. i’m fine, too.

a. good b. ok c. nice d. bad

)4. -you look (看起来) beautiful(漂亮的)today.

a. you too. b. no, i’m not. c. thank you d. not yet.

english用英语 orange一个橙子。

ruler 一把尺子's(=it is)它是。

it.拼写一下它 's this?这是什么。

color 什么颜色

and white黑色和白色的; 黑白相间的

例题:what’s this用英语 )

解析:in english用英语。

练习: )1. what's thisenglish?

a. on b. in c. to d. for

)2.-what's that?

it's a jacket.



a. say b. speak c. write d. spell


一it's a quilt

is b. what's c. how are d. what are

)4.-what color is the cow(奶牛)?

it’sa. black or white b. black but white

c. black and white d. black , white

二、知识点3 重点句型及语法。


1) this和that都是指示代词。





如:this is a book这是一本书。

this classroom is big这间教室很大。

this is tom and that is kate.这位是汤姆,那位是凯特。


如:that isn't a jacket. 那不是一件夹克。

is that quilt old?那条被子是旧的吗?

what's that?那是什么?


如:一 hi,this is 's that?你好,我是玛丽,你是哪一位?

一hi,this is tom你好,我是汤姆。

冠词a,an 和the的基本境用。





例如:a book 一本书 an apple 一个苹果 the map 这幅地图。

练习: )看)!this is___key.

a. a b. an c./ d. the

)2. hello, lucy! this is dale.

a. a b. an cd. the



) 1.当你在早晨上学路上遇到同学的时候,你可以说。

a.good morningb. thanks !

c. good evening! d. good afternoon!

) 2.下列大写字母是两笔完成的是。

a.ghpb. xqp d. rko

) 3.当对方帮了你的忙后,你应该说。

a. ok b. i am ok. c. how are you ? d. thanks !

) 4.- how are you ?

a. fine, thanksb. how are you?

c. how do you do? d. nice to meet you.

) 5. 当你不认识某物时,你应用英语向别人问。

a. what’s thisb. what this is ?

c. what color is it ? d. this is what ?

) 6. -what color is it ?

a. it’s a redb. it’s an red

c. it redd. it’s red

) 7. -what is this ?

a. it’s rulerb. it’s a orange

c. it’s a ruler d. it’s pen

( )8. what’s this english ?

a. onb. okc. in

it’s yellow

a. what’s thisb. what’s color is it?

c. how are you ? d. what color is it?

)10.― spell it , please.

a. m-a-pb. m-a-p c. m-a-p


a. 48; 3 b. 26; 3 c.48; 5 d.26 ; 5

)12. 选出不同类型的一项

a. yellow b. brownc. key d. black

) color is __jacket ? it ’s blue .

a. theb. ac. an d./

)14 hello, li ming !_mike!

a. good b. fine c. hello d .bye

) is orange. it’s red book.

a. /ab. /an c. an; a d. the ; a


1.用英语 ’m fine

3.什么颜色 evening

5.一支红色的钢笔 you


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