人教版七年级英语下册unit8基础检测题 无答案

发布 2023-03-09 10:25:28 阅读 6316

unit 8 is there a post office near here?基础检测。

section a 1a - 1c (p43)

翻译官。1. 邮局2. 警察局。

3. 餐馆4. 旅馆。

5. 街道6. 公园。

7. 银行8. 医院。

9. 在这附近10. 付费**。



my mother works in a医院).

mike lives在……附近) our school.

there is a new旅馆)on bridge street.

is there a银行)in our town?

-yes, there is.

5. where is the邮政)office.


if (如果) you want to borrow a book, you can go to the

if you want to h**e fun, you can go to the

if you want to go shopping, you can go to the

if you are hungry, you can h**e a meal in the

if you want to mail(邮寄) a letter, you can go to the



traffic light 交通灯national highway 国道

public l**atory 公共厕所 public telephone 公共**。

zoo动物园botanical garden植物园。

art museum美术馆museum 博物馆。

station 车站post office邮局。

stadium 运动场fairground, fun fair 游乐园。

university 大学school 学校。

library 图书馆theatre 剧院(美语:theater)

monument纪念碑art gallery 画廊。

section a2a-2d(p44)

翻译官。1. 在……旁边2. 在……中间。

3. 在……前面4. 在……后面。

5. 在……上面6. 在……对面。



1. li lei sits紧挨着) liu mei.

2. there is a restaurant在……上) center street.

3. tom is standing在……对面) the shop.

4. i want to plant a tree在……前面) our house.

5. there is a park在……后面) our school.


a:1b:yes. how can i help you?

a:2is there a hotel near here?

b:3it’s on center street. it’s across from the bank.

a: 4b:it’s not too far from here. i can walk with you.

a:oh, that’s great! thank you so much.

b:5section agrammar focus-3c(p45)



1. sun hotel is across from star supermarket. (对划线部分提问)

sun hotel?

2. in this photo, i see lily is behind mike. (改为同义句)

in this photo, i see mike islily.

3. there are some trees in this picture. (改为一般疑问句)

trees in this picture?

4. –are there two students in the classroom? (作肯定回答)

5. there are some cds on the desk. (改为否定句)

therecds on the desk.


isa post office near here?

look! the market iscenter street.

the store is acrossthe park.

there is a bookshop nextthe hotel.

beijing is in theof china.

sectionb1a-1e (p46)







) 1. the girl sits next __nancy.

a. atb. inc. to

) 2. just go straight and turn __the hotel is __

a. right; on the rightb. on the right; right

c. on the right; to the right

) 3. –is there a pay phone near here?

--yes, _

a. it isb. there is c. there are


1. 这附近有银行吗?

a bank near here?

2. 付费**在哪儿?

the pay phone?

3. 银行就在超市的旁边。

the bank isthe supermarket.

4. 沿着大桥街走,在新公园向左转。

bridge street andat new park.

5. 餐馆就在你的右边。

the restaurant is


made of canruohanxing u8词组。1.邮局post office2.警察局police station3.付费 pay phone4.在 对面across from5.在 前面in front of6.沿着 这条街 走go along the street 7.向左转turn l...


1.在邮局附近 2.在警察局对面3.在旅馆和银行之间。4.在餐馆前面 5.在医院6.住院 7.在街道上 8.在中心大街9.为 支付。10.付费 11穿过街道12.穿过公园13.在小镇14.在餐馆后面 15.在这附近。16.在中国的北方 17.沿着这条街走 18.沿着北街走19.向左转20.向右转21...


教学反思。一 课前三分钟 3mins before 课前准备环节可以让孩子唱课前准备歌,造句,书写一句话,或者短句自我介绍。二 热身 warm up 热身环节准备英语文化比较浓的,或与本课相关的歌曲让学生边唱边跳活跃气氛。三 新知呈现。1.导入 活体新颖,结合情境,导出话题。2.学生伸出手指与老师一...