
发布 2023-02-23 03:08:28 阅读 5485



1.i'd like some面条).

2.what规格、尺寸)would you like? i would like a中等的)one.

3能)i help you?

4.what种类)of book do you like?

5.would you like some饮料)?

6绿茶)is my f**orite.

7.here's the菜单).

8.what's your地址)?


1.how many trees can you see? a.i'd like some cakes and something to drink.

2.is he english? b.ok, please.

3.would you like something to eat? c.no, thanks.

4.what would you like? d.only one.

5.what about some cakes? e.oh, yes.


1.could you give me __bread?

a.a b.some c.two d.any

2there any rice in the bowl?

a.is b.are c.h**e d.has

3.she __a bottle of milk every morning.

a.take b.h**e c.eat d.has

4.what about __a rest?

a.h**e b.has c.h**ing d.to has

5.may i h**eplease?

a.a meat b.a piece of meat

c.a piece meat d.meat

6.would you like __bananas?

a.some b.any c.much d.h**e

7.how much meat do you want

a.two b.no, thanks c.yes, please d.three pieces

8.a few bottles of water __on the table.

a.are b.am c.is d.be

9.what can you __in the picture?

a.look at b.look c.see at d.see

10.would you like something to eat

a.i would b.yes, thanks c.no, thanks d.i'd like it


1.please give me somemilk) to eat.

2.do you h**e anyorange)?

3how many) meat do you want?

4.he'd like threebox) ofknife).

5.it's timebegin) our class.


it's half past four in the afternoon. 1 is ready. there are many things 2 the table-plates, bowls and glasses.

we can see some meat, eggs and fish 3 the plates. there are some dumplings, noodles and rice. oh, there is a big round cake in the middle of the 4 .

there is 5 to drink, five glasses there. 6 of the glasses is full of milk, two of them are full of coffee and the others 7 full of coke. there are two bottles of apple juice.

that's great. they 8 our f**ourite food and drink. i'd like to h**e them very much.

why are there so many nice things? it's bill's grandma's birthday.

1.a.breakfast b.lunch

c.supper d.meals

2.a.in b.on

c.under d.at

3.a.on b.in

c.at d.to

4.a.plates b.table

c.bowl d.bottle

5.a.anything b.things

c.something d.nothing

6.a.some b.one

c.two d.three

7.a.are b.is

c.h**e d./

8.a.all are b.are all

c.are both d.both are


meimei and kate are good friends. they aren't at school. they are at meimei's home.

they would like something to eat and drink. meimei wants a cup of tea and some cakes. kate wants a glass of milk and some bread.

after they eat and drink, they want to clean the table.

1.meimei and kate are

a.sisters b.good friends c.twins

2.they are

a.at school b.at kate's home c.at meimei's home

3.they want to

a.eat something b.drink something c.both a and b

4.who would like some bread?

a.meimei. b.kate. c.both a and b.

5.after they eat and drink, they

a.play games b.fly kites

c.want to clean the table


1.i'd like a glass of milk.(对画线部分提问)

you like?

2.we can see three cups of tea on the table. (对画线部分提问)

cups of tea can you see on the table?

3.i h**e no time to open the door. (改为同义句)

i __h**e __time to open the door.

4.i h**e no time to talk with you. (改为同义句)

no timeto talk with you.

5.what about something to eat? (改为同义句)

something to eat?









参***。一、1.noodles 2.size, medium 3.can 4.kind 5.drink 6.green tea 7.menu 8.address

二、1.d 2.e 3.c 4.a 5.b

三、1.b 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.b 6.a 7.d 8.a 9.d 10.c

四、1.milk 2.oranges 3.how much 4.boxes, knives 5.to begin

五、1.c 由第一句所交待的时间确定“晚餐准备好了”。d可以代替晚餐,但不应用复数形式。

2.b on the table在桌子上。根据句中主语判断其他介词表示的位置不符合逻辑。

3.a 表示“在盘子里”,用介词on而不用in。

4.b 从句子内容分析,大圆蛋糕不可能放在“盘子/碗/瓶子里”,应该放在桌子中间。

5.c 有喝的东西,a用在否定句中,b不合句意,再因下文已提到饮料,所以d不能选。

6.b 由系动词is决定选择one单数形式。

7.a the others代替上文的glasses玻璃杯,are与其在数上一致。

8.b 根据本文所介绍的一系列食品和饮料,选择b。c语序正确,但both指两者。

六、1.b 2.c 3.c 4.b 5.c

七、1.what would 2.how many 3.don't, any 4.there is, for me 5.would you like

八、1.what size bowl of noodles would you like?


unit 8 when is your birthday?知识点一 年月日的表达法。年的读法 用基数词,两位一读。1998 读作 nineteen ninety eight 月份名称的首字母要大写。months 月份 january 一月 february二月 march三月 april四月 may...


made of canruohanxing u8词组。1.邮局post office2.警察局police station3.付费 pay phone4.在 对面across from5.在 前面in front of6.沿着 这条街 走go along the street 7.向左转turn l...


1.在邮局附近 2.在警察局对面3.在旅馆和银行之间。4.在餐馆前面 5.在医院6.住院 7.在街道上 8.在中心大街9.为 支付。10.付费 11穿过街道12.穿过公园13.在小镇14.在餐馆后面 15.在这附近。16.在中国的北方 17.沿着这条街走 18.沿着北街走19.向左转20.向右转21...