七年级下册Unit7 12期末复习

发布 2023-03-09 09:46:28 阅读 8035

unit 7 it’s raining!


rain v.下雨;n.雨水 rainy 多雨的 windy 多风的 cloudy多云的 sunny 晴朗的

snow v.下雪;n.雪 snowy 下雪的 weather天气 cook做饭 bad 坏的;糟的。

park公园 message信息;消息 him(he的宾格) could能;可以 back 回来。

problem 困难;难题 again再一次 dry干燥的 cold寒冷的 hot 热的 warm温暖的 visit拜访;参观 canada加拿大 summer夏天 winter冬天 sit→sitting坐

juice果汁;饮料 soon不久;很快 vacation假期hard adv.努力地;adj.困难的

europe欧洲 mountain高山 country国家 skate → skating滑冰 russian 俄罗斯的。


1. at / in the park在公园里 2. h**e a good/ great time (in) doing sth.

= h**e fun doing sth. 做某事很开心。

3. at one’s home 在某人的家4. take a message for sb. 为某人捎口信

5. call sb. back 给某人回**6. ask/ tell sb. (not) to do sth. 叫/告诉某人(不)做某事。

7. no problem 没问题8. right now 现在

9. study english 学英语10. study hard 努力学习 learn a lot 学会了很多。

the pool在游泳池旁边12. visit some of my old friends 拜访我的一些老朋友

13. drink orange juice 喝橙汁14. summer vacation/ holiday 暑假 winter vacation 寒假。

15. be on (a) vacation 在度假16. in the mountains 在山里

17. write to sb. 写信给某人18. next month 下个月。

19. take home 带回家20. just right for doing sth. 正好适合做某事


1. 打**用语: this is rick. it’s rick. rick speaking .

2. 问天气:—how’s the weather ? what’s the weather like ?

it’s rainy/ windy/ cloudy/ sunny/ cold/ hot/ warm /dry.

3. —how’s it going ?情况怎么样? —great!/ pretty good. /fine. /not bad./ terrible.

4. can i take a message for him ? 我给他捎个口信,好吗?

5. could you jus tell him to call me back ? 你能否叫他给我回个**?

6. i’m h**ing a great time visiting my aunt in canada. 我正在加拿大开心地拜访我的姨妈。

7. i’m sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice. 我正坐在游泳池旁边喝橙汁。

8. my family and i are on a vacation in the mountains. 我和我的家人正在山里度假。

9. it’s hot in your country now, isn’t it ? 现在你的国家天气炎热,是吗?

10. —what are they doing ? they’re playing basketball in the park.


) 1is the weather like today ? it’s sunny.

a. howb. whatc. whichd. why

)2is it going? —not bad.

a. whatb. whenc. whered. how

)3. it’s __in spring(春天) and it’s __in summer.

a. warm, cool b. hot, coldc. warm, hotd. cool, warm

)4the weather in guigang ? it’s rainy.

a. how’sb. what’sc. which’s d. where’s

)5. mr. green is a vacation now.

a. inb. atc. on d. for

)6. it’s late. could you please take me

to homec. in home d. at home

)7. oh, it’s cloudy, it may

a. snowb. rainc. sun d. wind

)8. please take a message mary.

a. tob. atc. ind. for

)9it’s windy.

a. what are you doing b. how’s it going c. how’s the weather today d. is it windy now

)10not bad.

a. what is he doing b. how’s the weather today c. how’s it going d. what’s it going

)11. she’s sitting the pool and drinking orange juice.

a. atb. byc. ind. on

)12. it’s tooyou can take off (脱下) your coat.

a. d. hot

)13. look!tom is h**ing a good time basketball with his classmates.

playingc. to playd. plays

)14. it is just right forin a hot day.

a. swimb. swimsc. swimmingd. to swim

)15. my parents often tell me out at night.

a. to gob. goingc. don’t to god. not to go

)16. look! some children are in the snow.

skatingc. skates d. skateing


1. look at the sun. it’s a s___day today.

2. it’s blowing (吹) cool wind. it’s a w___day.

3. it is多雨的) outside. please put on your raincoat(雨衣).

4. today is s___the ground (地面) is all white.

5. the children are going swimming now. because it is so h___today.

6. —what’s the w___like today? —it’s very hot.

7. it’s very c___outside. please wear more (更多的) clothes.

8. it’s very win spring.

9. my mother likes to c meals (饭) every day.

10.—tina isn’t here. could you take a m for her ? sure .


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