
发布 2023-03-08 20:23:28 阅读 2301

unit4目标:1.正确使用介词on, in, under描述物品的位置 2. 正确使用where询问物品位置。


二、重点短语: bag



1. where is my pencil? 我的铅笔在那里? 【

where adv.(疑问副词)在**, 是一个特殊疑问词, 常用来引导一个询问地点的特殊疑问句。

where do you live? 中文意思:你住在**?_

where are you from? 中文意思:你来自**?

where is my schoolbag? 中文意思:_我的书包在**?__

2. where is my schoolbag? 我的书包在哪?【☆


结构:① where’s +单数主语where are +复数主语。

例句】--where is _ my baseball? -it’s under the table.

where are__ my books? -they’re on the sofa.

例题】1.—_is my cup? —on the table.

a. what color b. how c. what d. where

is your schoolbag? (补全答语) _it_ _is__ under the chair.

3. i don’t know. 我不知道。【☆

don’t为助动词do和not的缩写。含有实意动词如know, read, run, like等的句子在变成问句或否定句时,需借助动词do或does。

例题】i don’t know(我不知道)her name.

do you know her? (你认识她吗?)


he does not know english. (他不懂英语。)

does he know english? (他懂英语吗?)

4. where are their keys?他们的钥匙在**?【☆

1)their pron.形容词性物主代词(他们的),-theirs :名词性物主代词,他们/她们/ 它们的(东西)

2)同类:our(我们的ours:名词性物主代词; 我们的(东西)

3), grandparents’ (爷爷奶奶的/ 爷爷奶奶的东西)等。

例题】1. -are these their tape players? 这些是他们的录音机吗?

no, they aren’t. they are ours. 不,不是他们的。是我们的。

2. -are these our books? 这些是我们的书吗?

no, they aren’t. they are in the bookcase。不,不是我们的。我们的在书柜里。

3. these are my cousins bill and alan. _father is my uncle.

a. his b. herc. theird. our

4. these are __they are __

a. jacket; d**id b. jackets; d**id c. jackets; d**id’s d. jacket; d**id’s

5. tape player---复数)--some tape players 【☆

english book---复数)--some english books

model plane---复数)--some model planes

注意】some 意为“若干;一些”修饰可数名词复数和不可数名词。

6. everywhere (1)adv. 到处,处处 (2)conj.无论** (3)n. 处处,到处。

this flower is found everywhere in taiwan. 这种花在台湾到处可见。

everywhere i go, he follows. 不论我去**,他都跟着我。

people come from everywhere to celebrate the victory. 人们从各处赶来庆祝胜利。

【例题】下过雪后,到处都是白色的。 it is white everywhere after the snow.

7. i’ m kate, and my sister is gina...my books and tapes are in the bookcase.


句中and是并列连词和。 它可以连接词与词、短语与短语、句子与句子,用来表示并列的关系,有时可以不用翻译。

例题】他们是我的爸爸和妈妈。they are my father and mother.

那些是我的两本书和一只蓝色的笔。those are my two books and a blue pen.

这是一本书,那是一支笔。 this is a book, and that is a pen.


1. 询问地点以及物品的所在位置 【☆

(1) 询问物品的位置用特殊疑问词where ,其答语常采用表达方位的介词,如:on, in, under等。

常用以下句型:where is / are + 主语?

答语:it is on / in / under the...疑问句型:

is it on / in / under theyes, it is. /no, it isn’t.

they are on / in / under the...疑问句型: are they on / in / under theyes, they are .

no, they aren’t.



1 in english 用英语

2 the girl in red is kate.穿着红衣服的女孩是凯特。

3 我早上六点钟起床。i get up at six in the morning.

4 i was born in beijing, in 2001. 我出生在2024年出生在北京。

5 on the tree 和 in the tree的区别。

n the tree “长”在树上。

n the tree “挂”在树上。

across 和 through 的区别。

across: “从表面上”穿过; 横穿 through: “从内部(空间)”穿过。

go through the forest 穿过森林 go across the street 穿过马路。

【例题】1. sally is very happy. there is a smile __her face.

a. on b. to c. in d. a

2. do you see the dog __the table?

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