
发布 2023-03-08 19:19:28 阅读 3411

unit 4优生辅导。

一. 词组翻译。

1. 飞机模型2. 磁带**器。

3. 英语书4. 快点儿。



1. 在床上2. 在床下。

3. 在你的书包里4. 在他的文具盒里。

5. 在我们的教室里6. 在她的课桌下

7. 在我父母的房间里8. 在沙发上。

9. 在他们的图书馆里10. 在椅子上

三、 快速填空。

1. wherethe pen2. wherethe books?

3. itin the bookcase4. theyon the sofa.

5it on the desk6they in the schoolbag?

7my bagon your bed

8your keyson the desk.

9. -where is your dictionarysorry

10. itidy. but my sister11. ia clock.

四、 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. where are mybook2. i h**epen).

3. it’s in yourparent) room4. it’s injack) schoolbag.

5. where ishe) jacket6. where areyou) pens?

7. gina alwaysask8. the model plane isshe).

9i ) hat is on the head10. isthey) classroom tidy?

11. wherebe) his pen and books12my) is on the table.


1. my keys are on the sofa. (变一般疑问句)

2. the english book is under the radio. (变一般疑问句)

3. their pencils are on the desk. (对划线部分提问)

4. the pen is under the table. (对划线部分提问)

5. where is your schoolbag? (作出回答)

6. jane is tidy变否定句)

7. i am tidy. jim is tidy , too. (用and连成一句话)

8. linda is tidy. i am not tidy. (用连成一句话)。

五、 句子翻译。

1. 我的书在桌子上。

2. 他的铅笔在书包里。

3. 你的文具盒在**?

4. gina的书到处都是。

5. 我的铅笔和钢笔在**?


) 1. -your model plane? -it’s in the room. a. who’s b. where’s c. where’re

) 2.- is the baseball on the sofa? -no, it’s __the sofa. a. on b. in c. under

) 3. -are the english books under the radio

a. no, it isn’tb. yes, they are c. no, they are

) 4. i h**e a tape player, _i don’t h**e a tape. a. and b. or c. but

) 5. in jack’s room, his books and pens are __a. everywhere b. where c. on sofa.

) 6. -the schoolbaga. where is b. where are c. where

) 7. -where are the pens

a. it’s on the desk. b. they are on the deskc. they are on desk.

) 8. look, it’s myroom. a. parents b. parents’ .c. parents’s

) 9. -where is your schoolbagon the table. a. it’s b. they’re c. its

) 10. is it under the tabela. yes, it’s b. no, it isn’t. c. no, it is .


1. notebook, on, her, is, bed, the

2. are, under, bookcase, they, the

3. in, a, keys, of, is, the, set, bag

4. her, photo, family, is, on, desk, the

5. his, game, computer, is, where


1. -where is my base ball, mom?

- it’s

2. inroom, some pictures are on the wall.

3. the white model planethe yellow tapes are eric’s.

4. are thebooks yours, mike?

5. mark has fiveplanes.

6. lucy is tidylily isn’t.

九、作文。 用五个以上的句子描写自己的单间是否整洁。


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