七年级英语上学期期中复习 Unit4单元复习 1

发布 2023-03-08 19:17:28 阅读 9511

七年级英语上学期期中复习—unit 4 单元复习(1)


1. daniel always gets up late, so he很少) has breakfast at home.

2. doctor li says that it isn’t good for us to h**e too much for晚餐).

3. you look tired, amy. let’s stop to h**e a休息).

4. –may i help you with your maths?

- no, thanks. i只是) need some more time.

5. china is now more open to the世界).

6. all the players are准备) for the coming olympic games.

7. playing tennis is one of his f**ourite课外活动).

8. kate is really clever because she is good at all her功课).

9. please accept (接受) my best祝愿) for your happiness.

10. he通常) gets up very late, but he is从不) late for work.

11. my brother likes聊天) with his friends on the internet.

12. the girl练习) reading english for half an hour every day.

13. there are a lot of博物馆) in wuxi.

14. the alarm clock叫醒) me up at six o’clock every morning.

15. our school day开始) at 7 o’clock in the morning.

16. they are very good friends and they often help互相).

17. do you often go on野餐)?

18. are there any生命) on the moon?

19. you are not h**ing much运气) today, are you?

20. here are some cards with their bestwish).

21. it’s time for after-schoolactivity).

22. we h**e a class meetingone) a week.

23. they play tennistwo) a month.

24. you should do your homeworkone) and then watch tv.

25. you are so late, tommy. can you give me your理由)?

26. i like this book because it helps me学习) a lot about animals.

27. our first lesson begins at a一刻钟晚于) eight.

28. the girl需要) her mother to look after her.

29. i like english but my brotherlike) it.

30. all of us h**e lots of乐趣) at jim’s birthday party.


1. 你们周末上课吗?


2. -今天天气很晴朗。我们去山上散步如何?- 好主意。我们会玩得很开心。

it’s sunny todaywein the

it’s sunny today. let’sin the

it’s sunny today. what aboutin the

good idea. we’ll

3. 汤姆每天起床起得很晚,所以他上学经常迟到。

tomlate every dayheoftenschool.

4. eddie, 该醒醒了。是时候吃晚饭了。

eddie. it’s

eddie. it’s

5. 不要吵醒他。他需要好好休息一下。


6. millie喜欢待在家里。她很少出去。

millie likes staying at home. she

7. 一顿丰盛的早餐帮你迎接新的一天。

a bighelps youa new day.

8. 从这本书上,他对生活了解了很多。

hemuchthe book.

9. 七(1)班经常练习做早操。

students inoftenmorning

10. 这个小男孩没有许多时间进行课外活动。

the little boy doesn’tdo

11. millie在校舞蹈队。她每天都去上舞蹈课。

millie isthe schoolteam. sheherevery day.

12. 谢谢你和我一起练习打排球。

thank you forwith me.

13. 他们下课后相互聊天聊得很开心。

they h**e funafter class.

14. 愿我们队好运!

our team

15. 米莉每周去一次游泳俱乐部。

millieto theclub

16. 每个人在米莉的生日派对上都过得很开心。

everyoneat millie’s birthday party.

17. 她经常六点一刻起床。

she oftenpast six.

18. 有些狗就是不知道如何享乐。

some dogs just don’t know

19. 星期天下午我们一起去野餐如何?

what aboutwith ussunday afternoon?


1 若,则从小到大的顺序是 a b c d 2 有18米长的木材,要做成一个如图的窗框。如果假设窗框横档的长度为x米,那么窗框的面积是 a 米2 b 米2 c 米2 d 米2 3 下列说法 两个互为相反数的商为 1 若,则 中至少有一个为0 若,则 若,则,其中正确的是 a 1个 b 2个 c 3个...

七年级上学期期中复习 教案A

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